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Entrepreneurs in Technology | A Discussion on Scaling a Startup

Past Event


  • 2018-07-27T01:30:00.0000000Z  –  2018-07-27T03:00:00.0000000Z
  • BrainStation Vancouver
    455 Granville St, Vancouver, BC
  • $45.00

Registration is Closed

Speakers From

Event Overview

With Vancouver as a burgeoning hub for Canada's tech industry, it's no surprise that it has served as a launch pad for many tech startups. Having paved the way for companies like Hootsuite, Bench Accounting and Mobify - Vancouver is filled with driven individuals, ready to bring something new to the table.

Join us as we host some of Vancouver's leading tech entrepreneurs for a discussion on how you can scale a startup, and gain insight into the different platforms available for you to make your entrepreneurial dream a reality.

*Event is non-refundable and non-transferable.


Natalie Cartwright

Natalie Cartwright

Co-Founder and COO of Finn AI

Natalie Cartwright's company
Igor Faletski

Igor Faletski

CEO & Co-Founder, Mobify

Igor Faletski's company
Michelle Martin

Michelle Martin

Startup Activator & Consultant

Michelle Martin's company
Jonathan Becker

Jonathan Becker

CEO & Co-Founder, Thrive Digital

Jonathan Becker's company

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Please reserve your spot to attend this exciting event.

Past Event


  • 2018-07-27T01:30:00.0000000Z  –  2018-07-27T03:00:00.0000000Z
  • BrainStation Vancouver
    455 Granville St, Vancouver, BC
  • $45.00

Registration is Closed

Google map of location surrounding 455 Granville St #400, Vancouver, BC, V6C 1T1


Celebrate in BrainStation's Vancouver Campus

Located in the heart of the tech & retail district, BrainStation is at the centre of Vancouver's business scene where you can celebrate with the tech community surrounded by the city's best technology companies.

BrainStation Vancouver
455 Granville St #400, Vancouver, BC, V6C 1T1

Get Started

Join Us Live

Please reserve your spot to attend this exciting event.

Past Event


  • 2018-07-27T01:30:00.0000000Z  –  2018-07-27T03:00:00.0000000Z
  • BrainStation Vancouver
    455 Granville St, Vancouver, BC
  • $45.00

Registration is Closed

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