Canada’s Top Angel Investing Trends for 2015
Canada has a diverse and dynamic technology landscape, with new startups emerging from Halifax to Vancouver.
Yuri Navarro, executive director of The National Angel Capital Organization, along with experts from three booming startup communities across Canada—Carl Furtado of Waterloo’s Golden Triangle Angel Network (GTAN), Ross Finlay of Halifax’s First Angel Network (FAN) and Mike Volker of Vancouver’s Angel Technology Network (VANTEC)—have identified these top five fastest growing trends for Angel Investing in 2015.
1. Greater public interest in local entrepreneurs and the Canadian high-tech scene: “Enhanced civic awareness of local success stories and support of innovative new Canadian products.”
2. Increased diversity among both investors and investments: “investors are more frequently coming from broader backgrounds and investing in a wider variety of ideas.”
3. Improved sharing of knowledge, information and education among Angel networks: “Investors have direct access to industry best practices developed by Angel communities across Canada.”
4. Expanding business relationships and investor collaboration to syndicate deals: “Greater opportunities available for both Angels and Entrepreneurs as more partnerships are formed.”
5. Improved due diligence, policy, and terms with a focus on strategic exit plans: “Deals are becoming more structured, strategic and transparent in nature.”
“The startup companies our Angels are investing in are helping to build the Canadian economy,” says Navarro.
NACO’s homepage, launched today with updated design and content, highlights Angel investors and startups from Halifax to Vancouver. The features of the homepage include: a new video, blog page, news updates and more.
More than $89 million was invested in 199 deals by 29 Canadian Angel groups in 2013 and the number of investments made is expected to increase in 2014.