Student Experience | User Experience Design, Week 7 & 8 | Maria Richard

By BrainStation March 16, 2016

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Nearing the end of Intro to User Experience, we covered convergence and experience mapping.

Maria is taking BrainStation’s Intro to Web Development and Intro to UX Design course in Vancouver!

Maria is taking BrainStation’s Intro to Web Development and Intro to UX Design course in Vancouver!

Several types of convergence were discussed: technology convergence, media convergence, and activity convergence. Each type of convergence describes how a set of devices offers an integrative or seamless experience. Technology convergence entails a seamless experience across multiple devices as a result of the same underlying technology. Media convergence describes how a user might consume the same form of media, like a hockey game, through various channels at once, for example, on television, social media, etc. Lastly, activity convergence describes when the user performs the same action using multiples devices, ie Google Fit. Users interact with an ecosystem of devices. As a result, designers must design for entire ecosystems, rather than individual device-specific experiences.

Our fun class activity entailed sketching our individual ecosystems, outlining the devices we own, the apps and software tools we use, the convergence we may experience, and our preference for using some devices over others for some tasks. Many students sketched out a mobile device, a laptop, and a tablet. For most, mobile received the majority of use for messaging and consuming media. The laptop was used mostly for work, and the tablet, for consuming media for leisure.