BrainStation Community Guidelines
BrainStation seeks to provide a safe, inclusive, and productive learning environment for every user of BrainStation Services and the BrainStation Community at large. To support this objective, participants in BrainStation Services and the BrainStation Community are required to follow these Community Guidelines which apply to: BrainStation team members; students and candidates for admission; course and program instructors; program attendees and participants; enterprise clients; Online Live or remote participants; industry and education partners; and third-party service providers. These Guidelines also apply to the use of the Internet and IT, and learning and communication platforms associated with BrainStation such as, but not limited to Slack, chat functions, and Synapse.
The Community Guidelines:
- Behave in a professional manner, using common sense and decency.
- Treat Community members, including staff and fellow students, fairly and with respect.
- Respect the right of other members to share their views, even if they may not be the same as your own.
- Be respectful of the premises, facilities, and learning environment, both physical and online. Keep all premises and public spaces safe, clean, and tidy, including your personal work zone, common areas, kitchen, lounge, and washrooms. Clean up after yourself, dispose of uneaten food and litter in the receptacles provided.
- Do not behave in any way that: is dangerous or offensive; could endanger anyone’s safety or property or personal comfort; or disrupts any other team member’s use or enjoyment of BrainStation.
- For online participants: keep in mind that you are participating in a professional education experience and are expected to maintain suitable decorum and conduct as though attending a BrainStation campus or in-person program. For example, you must dress appropriately, have an appropriate background, and participate from a suitable professional setting compatible with these Guidelines.
- Be mindful of language. Use respectful and inclusive language. If you're unsure, ask how someone prefers to be addressed.
- Do not use discriminatory or offensive language; do not make derogatory, inflammatory or personal remarks about other members; do not harass, bully, threaten, or intimidate others, or encourage others to do so; do not use sexualized language or imagery; do not attend or participate in BrainStation services while intoxicated.
- Do not disclose or post unauthorized personal or private information about others, such as physical or electronic addresses, without explicit consent.
- Comply with applicable laws and regulations, including those relating to privacy, spam, safety, human rights, copyright, and intellectual property. Except during authorized events, do not consume or be under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances while at BrainStation or while using BrainStation services. Illegal drugs and tobacco products are prohibited in our Community.
- Comply with all third party funding requirements such as but not limited to contractual and legal obligations, funding conditions, and payment schedules and payment plans.
- Comply with the reasonable requests of BrainStation personnel regarding use of BrainStation facilities and Services, including all security, safety and evacuation procedures and information that may be requested regarding compliance with these community guidelines by you or others in the community.
- BrainStation is not responsible for lost or stolen property so please take appropriate measures to protect or secure your property (for example, laptop, phone, earphones, personal belongings, etc.).
- Use your designated key fob or other prescribed access method for your personal access only to the space and register non-member guests at reception. A replacement fob is $20.00. Return your key fob within seven days of your last day of class. If it is not returned, a fee of $20.00 will automatically be charged to the credit card associated with your BrainStation account.
Please report any concerns, unsafe conditions, or violation of these Community Guidelines to any BrainStation team member or to
BrainStation reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to suspend participation without notice of a Community member who violates these Guidelines and/or require them to alter their conduct or withdraw from BrainStation Services immediately, based on circumstances.