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How World-Class Brands are Winning With Data-Driven Marketing

Past Event


  • 2020-06-24T17:00:00.0000000Z  –  2020-06-24T18:00:00.0000000Z
  • Free

Registration is Closed

Speakers From

Event Overview

Despite the exponential growth of online consumers, marketing has arguably never been more challenging. How do you promote your products to new audiences? And how do you test new marketing strategies when budgets are tighter than usual?

Now more than ever, the world’s best brands are relying on data to identify new market opportunities, develop and measure marketing initiatives, and optimize campaigns and content. 

Join us for a discussion with data and marketing industry leaders, as they discuss the leading role data is now playing in marketing, and how brands are optimizing digital spend and marketing performance. 

Official Media Partner
Digital Magazine highlights the very best ideas, innovations, and individuals that aspire to make a better future. 



Jeremy Silkowitz

Jeremy Silkowitz

Director of Ecommerce at L'Oreal Luxe

Jeremy Silkowitz's company
Rahul Chowdhury

Rahul Chowdhury

Head of Marketing, eBusiness at RB

Rahul Chowdhury's company
Deborah Tampubolon

Deborah Tampubolon

Product Marketing Manager, FinTech at Toast

Deborah Tampubolon's company

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Past Event


  • 2020-06-24T17:00:00.0000000Z  –  2020-06-24T18:00:00.0000000Z
  • Free

Registration is Closed

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