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Data for Social Good in Toronto: Organizations with an Impact

Past Event


  • 2019-05-30T22:15:00.0000000Z  –  2019-05-31T00:00:00.0000000Z
  • BrainStation Toronto
    482 Front St W, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5V 0W1
  • $20.00

Registration is Closed

Speakers From

Event Overview

Every day, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created – and it is only increasing with time. In this avalanche of information, organizations using data to make informed business decisions are at a distinct advantage. This shift is having an impact across industries and has started to play a key role in social change, whether it be to fight climate change or prevent life-threatening illnesses.

Join us to find out more about how these organizations are harnessing data to advance their work. Our panelists will share their journeys in the data field, and the projects they’re working on that contribute to the greater good. Whether you’re a Data Scientist, social do-gooder, or simply interested in learning more about data analysis, you’ll leave with better insight into how data is being used for good.

All ticket proceeds for this event will be donated to WE Charity to promote education around the world.  

*Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable


Eunice Lo

Eunice Lo

Toronto Chapter Lead for Data for Good

Eunice Lo's company
Alexander Watts, PhD

Alexander Watts, PhD

Director of Insights, BlueDot

Alexander Watts, PhD's company
Erin Blanding

Erin Blanding

Head, Global Program Innovation & Development, WE

Erin Blanding's company
Aqil Hirji

Aqil Hirji

Data Science Lead, Figure 1

Aqil Hirji's company

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Please reserve your spot to attend this exciting event.

Past Event


  • 2019-05-30T22:15:00.0000000Z  –  2019-05-31T00:00:00.0000000Z
  • BrainStation Toronto
    482 Front St W, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5V 0W1
  • $20.00

Registration is Closed

Google map of location surrounding 482 Front St W, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5V 0W1, Canada


Explore and Learn Within Our Toronto Campus

Located in the heart of Toronto's Tech Alley, BrainStation is at the centre of Toronto's tech scene, where you can discover the tech community surrounded by the city's best technology companies and leaders.

BrainStation Toronto
482 Front St W, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5V 0W1, Canada

BrainStation also offers Online learning options.

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Please reserve your spot to attend this exciting event.

Past Event


  • 2019-05-30T22:15:00.0000000Z  –  2019-05-31T00:00:00.0000000Z
  • BrainStation Toronto
    482 Front St W, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5V 0W1
  • $20.00

Registration is Closed

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