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BrainStation's Bootcamps

BrainStation's bootcamps are designed to deliver a hands-on, project-based learning experience, emphasizing collaboration and outcomes-based skills development. Program curriculum is updated in real-time by industry experts, and built around real-world projects, ensuring that graduates are ready to step into a range of professional roles.

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Data Science

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Software Engineering

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BrainStation Graduates

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  1. Amirhossein Kiani headshot

    Amirhossein Kiani

    Data Science

    Calgary, AB

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: DeepChef - A Modern Recipe Recommender System

    DeepChef is a modern recommender system that aims to provide a unique and user-centric culinary experience using state-of-the-art natural language processing and unsupervised machine learning techniques.

  2. Ananya Chattoraj headshot

    Ananya Chattoraj

    Data Science

    Calgary, AB

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: 1000 Words: A Neural Network Image Caption Generator

    Image caption generation using EfficientNetV2S and Keras RNN layers combined into an encoder-decoder structure.

  3. Anthony Kwok headshot

    Anthony Kwok

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: SMARTLIST – Used Car Listing Price Prediction

    Using machine learning to predict price ranges for used cars.

  4. Arman Aliani headshot

    Arman Aliani

    Data Science

    Toronto, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Crypto Investment Strategy

    Uncovering profitable trading strategies in the volatile world of crypto. Leveraging scraped data in tandem with Neural Networks to identify nuanced patterns in highly imbalanced data.

  5. Babak Davani headshot

    Babak Davani

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Automated Trauma Detection in CT Scan

    Using AI in emergency medicine, focusing on rapid and accurate diagnosis of abdominal injuries from CT scans.

  6. Ben Royles headshot

    Ben Royles

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Not Open to Relocation

    Project: Predicting European Football Results

    Using a variety of algorithms and feature engineering techniques to predict match outcomes based on previous results and statistics.

  7. Branden Sam headshot

    Branden Sam

    Data Science

    Monterey Park, CA

    Open to Remote Work

    Not Open to Relocation

    Project: Movie Recommender System

    A movie recommender system that incorporates streaming service availability and Rotten Tomato scores, presented in a beautiful UI for a seamless movie-watching experience.

  8. Caleb Hacala headshot

    Caleb Hacala

    Data Science

    Montreal, QC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: NFL Win Predictor Model

    Predicting the winner of NFL games through advanced machine learning modelling.

  9. Camilo Salazar headshot

    Camilo Salazar

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: GoodRecs 10K - Book Recommendation System

    Receive smart book recommendations by leveraging our sophistocated hybrid system, which analyzes book content and user ratings for enhanced accuracy.

  10. Cole Beevor-Potts headshot

    Cole Beevor-Potts

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Letterboxd Movie Recommender System: Finding the Perfect Movie Made Easy

    This movie recommender utilizes content based recommendation using NLP and nearest neighbors to find similar movies, and predict how a Letterboxd user would rate them using FunkSVD Matrix Factorization.

  11. Dariia Vasylieva headshot

    Dariia Vasylieva

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Smart Cart Analytics

    Smart Cart Analytics utilizes machine learning for item and order prediction. This will enhance sales forecasting, optimize inventory, and boost revenue in the grocery and food delivery industry. Leveraging Instacart's dataset, the project addresses challenges such as predicting future purchase behavior and implementing recommendation systems for cross-selling. The impact is significant, with improved forecasting potentially reducing global retailer costs by $1.1 trillion annually.

  12. David Yelin headshot

    David Yelin

    Data Science

    Miami Beach, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: The Beyond Bars Project

    Addressing the topic of Recidivism and Rehabilitation using Data Science and Machine Learning

  13. Diane Lu headshot

    Diane Lu

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Not Open to Relocation

    Project: Tasty Trail

    Discover personalized dining with Tasty Trail's content-based recommendations & matrix factorization techniques. Unveiling hidden patterns, it predicts delightful restaurant choices for users.

  14. Eddie Amaitum headshot

    Eddie Amaitum

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Taxi Demand Prediction in the Car Share Industry

    An end-to-end machine learning application to predict taxi demand in the car share industry using time series data.

  15. Eloyn Vazquez headshot

    Eloyn Vazquez

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Predicting Track Popularity for Music Makers

    Tuning into Success: Predicting Hit Tracks on Spotify with Our Innovative Analytical Tool, blending data science and music industry insights.

  16. Eric Bohner headshot

    Eric Bohner

    Data Science

    Calgary, AB

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: GG: Steam Game Recommendation System

    A complete, front-facing UI written in Python that utilizes Content-Based Filtering, SVD, and Neural Collaborative Filtering to recommend Steam Games.

  17. Harry Zhou headshot

    Harry Zhou

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Predicting Diabetes in the U.S.

    Identify the key risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes and develop a predictive model that can aid in early detection and intervention.

  18. Haya Hadaya headshot

    Haya Hadaya

    Data Science

    Coquitlam, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Early Cancer Detection using Health and Lifestyle Factors

    This capstone project seeks to develop predictive model for early cancer detection by analyzing diverse data on individuals' health habits and lifestyle choices. The goal is to enable timely interventions and enhance patient outcomes.

  19. Hector Guillermo headshot

    Hector Guillermo

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Not Open to Relocation

    Project: Predicting MLB Player Salaries

    Assessing the monetary value of MLB players using batting statistics to craft a predictive model that can estimate player salaries.

  20. Jack Li headshot

    Jack Li

    Data Science

    Markham, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Not Open to Relocation

    Project: Re-squared

    The capstone project is a recommender system that will recommend the 5 most similar recipes it knows based on ingredients that the user inputs.

  21. James Church headshot

    James Church

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Not Open to Relocation

    Project: Airline Delays - Multi-Classification Modeling

    Building predictive models to classify flight delays and extract feature insights for resource optimization and improved customer satisfaction in the aviation industry.

  22. Jose Correa headshot

    Jose Correa

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Building Energy Consumption Predictor

    How much energy will a building consume? This model predicts electricity usage for Healthcare buildings, aiding owners in assessing retrofit effectiveness and sustainability goals.

  23. Jose Liquet headshot

    Jose Liquet

    Data Science

    San Francisco, CA

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Reggaetón Recommendation System

    Large music-streaming platforms are prioritizing content that monetizes rather than the user’s needs. I built a Reggaeton Recommendation System using Gaussian Mixture Models and Matrix Factorization to get songs recommended that were similar to my music taste. As large companies move away from hyper-personalized content recommendation, smaller developers would need to fill-in this market; particularly content from underrepresented communities.

  24. Kamia Salango headshot

    Kamia Salango

    Data Science

    Tofino, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Wave Prediction: Building my own Surf Forecast

    This project aimed to enhance the accuracy of surf forecasting in Tofino, BC. The existing surf report provided a margin of error of two feet, prompting the need for a more precise forecast. Data was gathered from a local weather buoy and numerically generated hindcast data. Employing a blend of traditional statistical methods (ARIMA) and machine learning techniques like XGBoost and Random Forest, I developed a simultaneous one-day forecast for wave height and period. This approach resulted in a significantly reduced error range, achieving predictions closer to actual conditions, with wave height predictions accurate to within 1.13 feet and wave period predictions within 1.32 seconds.

  25. Kelly Li headshot

    Kelly Li

    Data Science

    Toronto, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: TastyFinds

    An ML-powered recipe recommendation system that delivers personalized and delicious recipes to users based on their preferences and dietary needs, utilizing content-based modelling, collaborative filtering, and word embeddings.

  26. Kristina Dmitrieva headshot

    Kristina Dmitrieva

    Data Science

    Kansas City, MO

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Sentiment Analysis of Beauty Products Reviews

    Analyzing sentiments in beauty product reviews to enhance decision-making and product development.

  27. Lipsita Tripathy headshot

    Lipsita Tripathy

    Data Science

    Burnaby, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Delhi Air Quality Prediction

    Developed a predictive model to forecast Delhi's air quality using machine learning, providing actionable insights for environmental decision-making.

  28. Lisa McCool-Grime headshot

    Lisa McCool-Grime

    Data Science

    Durham, NC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Hiking with iNaturalist: Determining User Behavior with Crowd-Sourced Data for Environmental Science

    I applied DBSCAN modeling to find hike-like behavior among iNaturalist users. This identified popular nature trails and created metrics that describe iNaturalist user behavior.

  29. Loki Keeler headshot

    Loki Keeler

    Data Science

    Puerto Escondido, OA

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: iLaugh

    For this project I used machine learning models to see if I could better detect sarcasm in text then other Language Learning Models. I dove into Natural Language Processing on a Reddit dataset from Kaggle that included over 1 million comments. By tweaking my models, I was able to increase my logistic regression model with a TF-IDF vectorizer’s accuracy to 69%, which outperformed my Decision Tree and Random Forest models!

  30. Luciano Andrade headshot

    Luciano Andrade

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Credit and Debit Card Fraud Detection

    This project compares 5 machine learning models to detect credit card fraud with one outstanding performance.

  31. Marco Wong headshot

    Marco Wong

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Modelling European Football player valuation

    The Football Valuator is an innovative application designed to revolutionize the way player valuations are estimated in the world of football.

  32. Mark Shumka headshot

    Mark Shumka

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Game Outcome Prediction

    Using historical results and advanced machine learning modeling to predict the outcome of NHL games.

  33. Matthew Buggey  headshot

    Matthew Buggey

    Data Science

    London, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Steam Game Recommendation Algorithm

    My capstone employs a hybrid model system primarily using machine learning to determine how an individual user might rate a game on the Steam store based on reviews they have previously submitted. It employs a KNN model to find users similar to the inputted user and then employs TF-IDF vectorization to return an expanded list of games related to those users. Finally, an algorithm rates and returns a sorted list of recommendations based on what it assumes the user would rate the highest. The result is a targeted list of game recommendations uniquely tailored to every user.

  34. Max Parsley headshot

    Max Parsley

    Data Science

    Arlington, TX

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Image Recognition Model Analysis

    An exploration into neural networks and how they classify images classifying images outside the scope of the original data.

  35. Midhun Mathew headshot

    Midhun Mathew

    Data Science

    Surrey, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Fake News Classification

    Fake News is a global problem causing social bias and chaos. This project uses machine learning models to classify the News as Real or Fake as well as derive the Topic of the news article.

  36. Mitchell McCallum headshot

    Mitchell McCallum

    Data Science

    White Rock, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Predicting Customer Churn with Machine Learning

    Using a variety of machine learning models I take a data set with a high feature count and highly imbalanced target classes I apply rigorous preprocessing steps and a variety of Machine learning models to create insights both in terms of predicting churn rates and stated reasons along with highlighting feature columns using shapely charts and geographic distribution maps in EDA that lend further insights into reasons for churn.

  37. Mohammadreza Delvari headshot

    Mohammadreza Delvari

    Data Science

    Coquitlam, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Predictive Analytics for Energy Consumption and Production Optimization

    This capstone project aims to tackle energy imbalance, where anticipated energy usage doesn't match actual consumption or production.

  38. Moisés David Sosa Vera headshot

    Moisés David Sosa Vera

    Data Science

    Weston, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Exploring Intrusion Detection Systems with Machine Learning

    An innovative Intrusion Detection System (IDS) prototype, with a focus on constructing an IDS model that could adapt to and distinguish the intricate nuances of network attacks.

  39. Mu-izz Gbadamosi headshot

    Mu-izz Gbadamosi

    Data Science

    Burnaby, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Fantasy FootScores

    Using regression and machine learning techniques to optimize player points in the Fantasy Premier League

  40. Patrick Mc Lauchlan headshot

    Patrick Mc Lauchlan

    Data Science

    Lima, PE

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Upgrade Upwork: Upwork Topic Finder

    The primary goal of this project is to extract and identify the underlying themes or topics that frequently occur in job descriptions across different categories.

  41. Quinci Birker headshot

    Quinci Birker

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Hooked on Books

    Hooked on Books is a book recommender system designed to assist users in determining a book's worthiness, providing insightful recommendations for an enhanced reading experience.

  42. Rachel Liao headshot

    Rachel Liao

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Loan Default Prediction

    Building a machine learning model to predict loan payment status (paid or default), helping financial institutions better manage risks and minimize financial losses.

  43. Rahim Kaba headshot

    Rahim Kaba

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: weCAN: Cancer Survivability Predictor

    Leveraging patient data and machine learning to improve the accuracy and automation of cancer patient prognosis estimates. Helping patients to have an increased quality of life.

  44. Sam Celarek headshot

    Sam Celarek

    Data Science

    Portland, OR

    Open to Remote Work

    Not Open to Relocation

    Project: COVIDCast

    Like a weather forecast for pandemics, COVIDCast leverages state-of-the-art machine learning and epidemiological models to deliver precise outbreak predictions.

  45. Sydney Lindsay headshot

    Sydney Lindsay

    Data Science

    Austin, TX

    Open to Remote Work

    Not Open to Relocation

    Project: Predictive Cinematics

    Predicting movie success as gauged by IMDb star ratings. By integrating movie metadata with user text reviews, this project offers a nuanced perspective on the underlying factors driving cinematic success.

  46. Taylor Gallivan headshot

    Taylor Gallivan

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Predicting NHL Scoring

    Train a machine learning model to predict future goal output of NHL players using historical statistics pulled directly from the league's API.

  47. Vidya Sagar Botcha headshot

    Vidya Sagar Botcha

    Data Science

    Burnaby, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Loan Approval Prediction System

    For screening borrower loan requests at bank branches, I developed machine learning models trained on the dataset from ‘Lending Club’ to predict loan approvals.

  48. Wells H.K. Wang headshot

    Wells H.K. Wang

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Trending items prediction for fashion apparels

    Discovering traits that make products go viral with H&M sales data, supporting stakeholders in understanding what attributes affect trending.

  49. William Bergman headshot

    William Bergman

    Data Science

    Ottawa, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Not Open to Relocation

    Project: Ocular Disease Recognition

    Developing ML models to auto-classify fundus images into three ocular disease categories aims to expedite diagnosis, reduce costs, and prevent vision loss.

  50. Yash Nagpaul headshot

    Yash Nagpaul

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Predicting ER Disposition Using Machine Learning

    How might we use artificial intelligence to reduce the load on emergency departments by optimizing admissions to the hospital?

  51. Yue (Lucia) Zou headshot

    Yue (Lucia) Zou

    Data Science

    Richmond, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Liquor Store Profit Predication

    Using machine learning models for forecasting future profits at Iowa's class E liquor stores.

  52. Zaid Al-Jawadi headshot

    Zaid Al-Jawadi

    Data Science

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Predicting CO2 emissions of different car models

    The goal of this project is to accurately predict the CO2 emissions (in grams per km traveled) of a car using readily available car features.

  53. Abi Wheeler headshot

    Abi Wheeler

    UX Design

    Toronto, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Conch

    A virtual mediator app that provides a safe space for parents to provide support and rekindle discussions on mental health with their teens.

  54. Amy Chen headshot

    Amy Chen

    UX Design

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: KidsFirst

    An app to help busy parents discover suitable and fun destinations for their children with ease.

  55. Anne-Marie Chave headshot

    Anne-Marie Chave

    UX Design

    Montreal, QC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Guided

    Guided’ is a knowledge assessment tool designed to help students gain insight to how their interests, academic or otherwise, intersect and overlap.

  56. Arianna Diaz headshot

    Arianna Diaz

    UX Design

    Fort Lauderdale, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Connectic

    An employee-to-employee communication app that helps colleagues celebrate the diverse identities found in their workplace in a safe and inclusive way.

  57. Benton Sorensen headshot

    Benton Sorensen

    UX Design

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Cabin

    A collaborative packing, planning, and safety app designed to help outdoor enthusiasts prepare for their adventures and reduce search and rescue incidents.

  58. Daphné Paron-Essiet headshot

    Daphné Paron-Essiet

    UX Design

    Coral Springs, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: RemotReach

    RemotReach is an iOS mobile app aimed to connect young adults with remote volunteers opportunities

  59. Emmanuel Osmann headshot

    Emmanuel Osmann

    UX Design

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: The Ultimate App for Authentic Travel Experiences

    A mobile travel app that connects travelers with local tour guides to provide unique and authentic experiences in international cities. It offers personalized, off-the-beaten-path tours that go beyond the tourist attractions to discover hidden gems.

  60. Esther Lee headshot

    Esther Lee

    UX Design

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: WalkIn

    WalkIn serves as a comprehensive platform catering to the mental health needs of university students. Whether it’s workshops, appointments, or any other campus-specific services, students can explore a wide range of resources available through WalkIn.

  61. Faheel Ahmad headshot

    Faheel Ahmad

    UX Design

    Oakville, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Qwonder

    Qwonder is an educational tool that helps students ask questions about lecture topics during and after class. It allows students to collaborate on figuring out the answers to their questions and allows educators to monitor and confirm their responses.

  62. Grace Lee headshot

    Grace Lee

    UX Design

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Keep in Touch

    Keep In Touch aims to redefine maternity leave by enhancing company-mother engagement, promoting support, and enabling open communication.

  63. Helen Yan headshot

    Helen Yan

    UX Design

    Toronto, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Anew

    Anew is a digital platform to connect environmentally conscious individuals with local artists to achieve creative up-cycling projects.

  64. Jennifer Yu headshot

    Jennifer Yu

    UX Design

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: FirstTeach

    Fostering seamless parent-school communication with an all-in-one platform in order to increase trust and enrich allyship between schools and families.

  65. Jeremy Hannah headshot

    Jeremy Hannah

    UX Design

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Sunshine Steps

    An Android mobile app that streamlines communication between busy childcare workers so they can conveniently stay ready to do their tasks before the children show up.

  66. Jessica Kim headshot

    Jessica Kim

    UX Design

    Calgary, Alberta

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Skilly

    Skilly is an app designed to help users create genuine connections through shared activities.

  67. Kara Cheng headshot

    Kara Cheng

    UX Design

    Los Angeles, CA

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Bridgit

    Bridgit is an educational guide for elder users to master their devices. Its mission is to connect seniors with tech-savvy mentors to bridge any digital literacy gap.

  68. Kathleen Finch headshot

    Kathleen Finch

    UX Design

    West Palm Beach, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Mused

    Developed in response to widespread arts education budget cuts, iOS application Mused delivers a thoughtfully curated offering of creative projects. These projects are designed to be adaptable to a wide range of subjects, materials, and abilities which empowers teachers to cultivate a classroom environment that encourages engagement and sparks imagination among their students.

  69. Kery Mauvais headshot

    Kery Mauvais

    UX Design

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Pavemet

    Facing rental listing scams, my solution was to create multiple safeguards for renters when searching for properties and inquiring about properties.

  70. Kevin Costa headshot

    Kevin Costa

    UX Design

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: MYFLEX - Stretch whenever you want.

    MYFLEX supports athletes and active individuals in bolstering their flexibility and mobility to prevent both short and long-term injuries.

  71. Krystle Chan headshot

    Krystle Chan

    UX Design

    Los Angeles, CA

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Qite

    An app designed for deeper family bonds through open, heartfelt dialogue and meaningful conversations.

  72. Kyrie Melnyck headshot

    Kyrie Melnyck

    UX Design

    Victoria, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Seasons

    An app that empowers retired women to discover local activities and connect with like-minded friends.

  73. Laura Merino headshot

    Laura Merino

    UX Design

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Safeli

    An iOS mobile app that helps transgender people identify trans-friendly businesses in order to reduce the health-harming discrimination that they face.

  74. Leeae Joo headshot

    Leeae Joo

    UX Design

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Response to Return Fraud - SCAN PRO

    Defined a challenge of return fraud in the clothing retail sector and designed a long-term solution involving a self-returning machine utilizing RFID tags and machine learning.

  75. Leonor Gallardo headshot

    Leonor Gallardo

    UX Design

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: FYP: Find Your People

    FYP empowers you to engage in local gov. so that you can better shape your future, by connecting you to like-minded community actors & issues that are close to your heart.

  76. Lindsay Adams headshot

    Lindsay Adams

    UX Design

    Brantford, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Tern

    Establishing new homes and fostering connections in Canada for international students.

  77. Louis Guarino headshot

    Louis Guarino

    UX Design

    Montreal, QC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: FITFUSION

    Finding a qualified and reliable personal trainer is hard. FITFUSION brings full transparency into finding the perfect personal trainer for you.

  78. Marvin Afo headshot

    Marvin Afo

    UX Design

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Course Savers

    Course Savers keeps college costs transparent & helps students better manage their school loans with modern course maps, listed costs and budgeting.

  79. Melanie Palapuz headshot

    Melanie Palapuz

    UX Design

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: North Star

    North Star is a mindful productivity app that helps people find more alignment, focus, and energy by staying accountable to personalized wellness routines.

  80. Mian Fu headshot

    Mian Fu

    UX Design

    Midland, MI

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: TeamHarbor

    TeamHarbor is an iOS app designed to provide a comprehensive and innovative solution that enhances team bonding and work-life balance in a hybrid work environment.

  81. PJ Dyson headshot

    PJ Dyson

    UX Design

    Dallas, TX

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Swagology 101

    This project eliminates fashion return hassles by addressing size, fit, and color concerns. Virtual try-ons enhance customer confidence in their initial orders.

  82. Rosilena Tarver headshot

    Rosilena Tarver

    UX Design

    Oakland, CA

    Open to Remote Work

    Not Open to Relocation

    Project: Breakthroughs: An App to Help Women Calm the Chaos, and Regain Focus

    Helping women diagnosed with ADHD as adults through structure, reminders, and new forms of motivation, so they can feel in control and stay productive.

  83. Ryan Walker-Snellings headshot

    Ryan Walker-Snellings

    UX Design

    Fort Lauderdale, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: EduBridge – The School-Home Communication App

    Educators need simple ways to communicate important information with parents on one platform. EduBridge answers this by documenting & sharing student data without multiple sites & apps.

  84. Sharon Skillings headshot

    Sharon Skillings

    UX Design

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Cohapp

    Cohapp was created with the intention to help couples who recently started living together.

  85. Stefania Gonzalez headshot

    Stefania Gonzalez

    UX Design

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: careerVise

    careerVise is an app that allows people to connect with industry professionals to explore different career paths and that way make informed career decisions

  86. Steffi Chan headshot

    Steffi Chan

    UX Design

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Fleet

    Fleet is a subscription management app made for Gen Zs to practice mindful spending and to avoid overspending.

  87. Stephanie Casey headshot

    Stephanie Casey

    UX Design

    San Francisco, CA

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: CareerConnect

    An app that empowers aspiring professionals by connecting them with mentors and professional networks.

  88. Tara Corovic headshot

    Tara Corovic

    UX Design

    London, UK

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: TownTies

    TownTies is an IOS application tailored for 20–30-year-olds in London, providing access to career resources from community centres.

  89. Taylor Chapman headshot

    Taylor Chapman

    UX Design

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: StyleSync

    To expand on the concept of my StyleLegacy iOS/macOS app that’s live on the app store, I considered the perspectives of personal fashion stylists. After interviewing three real working stylists, I mapped their current experience and pain points to improve their client management experience.

  90. Vidit Bhatt headshot

    Vidit Bhatt

    UX Design

    Calgary, AB

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Arriva

    A comprehensive solution for aspiring immigrants that helps them connect with consultants and useful resources for their immigration journey.

  91. Ahmed Somaan headshot

    Ahmed Somaan

    Software Engineering

    Waterloo, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: JobCat

    JobCat is a job application catalogue to keep track of all your job applications in one place.

  92. Aisha Atta headshot

    Aisha Atta

    Software Engineering

    Coquitlam, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: CommitHub

    Elevate goals with CommitHub: share, achieve, and support in a community-driven commitment platform.

  93. Alberto Borgonovo headshot

    Alberto Borgonovo

    Software Engineering

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Maze Runner

    Developed a maze game that challenges players with differing difficulty levels and assesses their memory capabilities. The game presents a series of mazes, each with unique layouts and obstacles, requiring players to navigate through them by memorizing the paths. The game provides an engaging and enjoyable experience while encouraging players to enhance their memory skills through repeated gameplay.

  94. Alejandro Vecchio headshot

    Alejandro Vecchio

    Software Engineering

    Plantation, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Pantry Keeper

    PantryKeeper is a JavaScript web app that provides a user- friendly solution for household food waste. The app allows the user to create multiple containers that represent different spots in their household where food is stored.The app keeps a timestamp of when the food is stored, and the UI representation of the food is updated accordingly by changing color. As such, the user can tell what food should be consumed sooner and what food should be thrown out at a glance.

  95. Alex Howley headshot

    Alex Howley

    Software Engineering

    Dallas, TX

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Marble Melodies

    Marble Melodies is an online tool for creating physics-based tracks for marbles to roll and bounce through, generating music along the way.

  96. Alex Smeall headshot

    Alex Smeall

    Software Engineering

    St. John's, NL

    Open to Remote Work

    Not Open to Relocation

    Project: The Off Man Rush Hockey League

    An interactive web app for the newest recreational hockey league in St. John’s Newfoundland. Now all scores, schedules, rosters, stats and announcements can be easily managed in one place. Furthermore, it will help further legitimize the league as a marketing channel to attract new players.

  97. Alireza Entessari headshot

    Alireza Entessari

    Software Engineering

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Travelpedia

    My capstone is a website designed to inform the average traveler about various popular destinations around the world. By using my site, they can learn more about the customs, currency exchange rates, and travel tips for various countries organized by pages for the different continents.

  98. Allison Winters headshot

    Allison Winters

    Software Engineering

    Los Angeles, CA

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Sorta

    Sorta is a tool for users to create glitch art through a simple, intuitive UI. A flexible pixel-sorting algorithm responds to the parameters set in the toolbar to dynamically render the sorted image on the user’s canvas, giving them control over how the image is manipulated and the final glitchy results.

  99. Angelica Ciarniello headshot

    Angelica Ciarniello

    Software Engineering

    New Westminster, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Serenity Sprout

    Serenity Sprout is designed to offer parents of children with special needs a centralised communication hub where they can seamlessly connect with their child's specialists and teachers. The application facilitates the storage of documents, provides daily updates, and allows parents to monitor their child's progress across different areas. The aim is to ensure that everyone involved in a child's care has access to the most up-to-date information, fostering real-time feedback and advice.

  100. Brandon Buckler headshot

    Brandon Buckler

    Software Engineering

    Kaslo, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Cherry Cove Resort

    This is a recreational booking website. It allows users to book a cabin, a boat, canoe and other things. It also allows users to view their bookings.

  101. Brett Genoe headshot

    Brett Genoe

    Software Engineering

    London, EN

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Construction Connect

    Construction Connect is an app to provide a streamlined experience for connecting future workers and employers. At the moment, employers can log in, and post jobs, and the jobs will appear on the map, using an api from Mapbox.

  102. C.J. Astronomo headshot

    C.J. Astronomo

    Software Engineering

    Toronto, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Pre-Event Planner

    Pre-Event Planner is an itinerary builder that turns planning chaos into coordinated elegance, ensuring patrons reach their live events seamlessly.

  103. Chaoran Betty Niu headshot

    Chaoran Betty Niu

    Software Engineering

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: The Abyss Gate Escape Game

    The Abyss Gate is a web game that will blow your mind. You may not have seen anything like it - very creative, very cool, and very immersive escape game.

  104. Clara Tam headshot

    Clara Tam

    Software Engineering

    Winnipegg, MB

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: SavoryScale

    Explore and experiment with different recipes or simplify meal planning by scaling and tallying ingredients to create a budget-friendly grocery list for stress-free shopping with SavoryScale.

  105. Daaniyaal Mirza headshot

    Daaniyaal Mirza

    Software Engineering

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Artificial Intelligence Music Player

    This project will showcase a novel way to think about music and patterns, and the potential for AI to create music.

  106. Danielle Leung headshot

    Danielle Leung

    Software Engineering

    Toronto, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: ideally

    "ideally" is an idea generator to inspire software engineering projects, providing custom project ideas and a starter pack including a project description and requirements.

  107. David Levett headshot

    David Levett

    Software Engineering

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Summit Selector

    Select a random hike at the press of a button and locate other hikes pertaining to your skill level.

  108. Dayana Romero Villavicencio headshot

    Dayana Romero Villavicencio

    Software Engineering

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Dayify

    This app is an E-commerce website. The purpose of this endeavor is to assist families in the USA by enabling them to send gifts, food, and essential products to their relatives in times of need or simply to express love through thoughtful gifts on their birthdays.

  109. Donghyeon Lee headshot

    Donghyeon Lee

    Software Engineering

    Ottawa, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Visualized Ontario FMZ Document

    Providing fishermen in Ontario access to FMZ to ensure they have access to information about the fish season and fishing limits.

  110. Erin Cronie headshot

    Erin Cronie

    Software Engineering

    Penticton, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Naramata Vineyard Bed & Breakfast

    Naramata Vineyard is a React-powered experience tailored for those seeking tranquility in a 3-acre Pinot Noir Vineyard. A seamless booking platform with charming stays in wine country, and a personalized touch. Naramata Vineyard is where hospitality meets technology for the perfect getaway.

  111. Freya Pearse headshot

    Freya Pearse

    Software Engineering

    Squamish, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Squamish Events Hub

    Discover and share the heartbeat of Squamish through this dynamic event sharing platform. Whether you're a seeker of experiences or an event organizer, explore, create, and celebrate extraordinary moments in Squamish!

  112. Gabrielle Malate headshot

    Gabrielle Malate

    Software Engineering

    Seattle, WA

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: MoodMemory

    Adaptable Mood Tracking application with 'map' graphing feature for visual pattern recognition.

  113. Hyun Woo Kim headshot

    Hyun Woo Kim

    Software Engineering

    Toronto, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Style Fit

    A personalized fashion app to make fashion easy. Tailored suggestions for your unique needs. Refresh your wardrobe with style!

  114. Isaac Ho headshot

    Isaac Ho

    Software Engineering

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Roll 4 Games

    Roll 4 Games is a board game selector app to help with choosing a game for groups of players (2-8) efficiently

  115. Ivana Pejicic headshot

    Ivana Pejicic

    Software Engineering

    Miami, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: WePool

    WePool is a versatile web app designed to connect people traveling in the same direction for various purposes, including work, school, and more. It facilitates ride-sharing and assist users in finding others with similar travel routes, helping them save on transportation costs and reduce commute times.

  116. John Henriksen headshot

    John Henriksen

    Software Engineering

    Edmonds, WA

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Recipes+

    A website that allows users to create recipes. Those recipes can be downloaded as an image or posted to a database. Users can also browse any recipe on that database.

  117. Jonathan Battista headshot

    Jonathan Battista

    Software Engineering

    Orlando, FL

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Critic Consolidator

    Critic Consolidator aims to create a centralized website that aggregates reviews from multiple sources on various topics like movies, games, books, and more. The platform will offer users a consolidated score, simplifying decision-making and improving the accessibility of critical reviews across different genres.

  118. Jordan Dooley headshot

    Jordan Dooley

    Software Engineering

    Orillia, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Build A Bouq

    Build A Bouq is an interactive web app designed for small business owners that aims to drive sales by increasing engagement. This fullstack application has a React client, Express server and uses a database created with MySQL and Knex.

  119. Kalgi Shah headshot

    Kalgi Shah

    Software Engineering

    Edmonton, AB

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Refresh

    Elevate your web presence with Refresh—an innovative platform offering design insights, templates, and personalized styling suggestions for creating trend-setting websites.

  120. Kevin Byrne headshot

    Kevin Byrne

    Software Engineering

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Sonder

    Augment reality with this personal journal, promotional tool, and avenue to empathize with your local community.

  121. Kimmy Kim headshot

    Kimmy Kim

    Software Engineering

    Surrey, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Devcom

    Devcom, a web-based developer community product, aims to streamline your experience by combining the functionalities of popular apps like LinkedIn for job searching, Medium for tech blogging, Eventbrite for event networking, and Notion for memo-keeping. With Devcom, you can save time by having everything you need in one place!

  122. Laura Pinckney headshot

    Laura Pinckney

    Software Engineering

    London, EN

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: How Sick is my Baby?

    How Sick is my Baby? aims to support caregivers when they are trying to work out the level of healthcare their child requires in an accessible form.

  123. Lee White headshot

    Lee White

    Software Engineering

    Castlegar, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Raven Stone Knits

    Raven Stone Knits is a full stack e-commerce website for modern classic knitwear designs built using React, Node, KNEX, MySQL, Express and Bootstrap.

  124. Marcelo Aguiar headshot

    Marcelo Aguiar

    Software Engineering

    Toronto, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Hosts Club

    It's a platform to connect hosts from apps like AIRBNB, so they can share information or learn about different topics related to short-term rentals.

  125. Maria Rodriguez Hertz headshot

    Maria Rodriguez Hertz

    Software Engineering

    State College, PA

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Dog App

    Dog app lets you track your steps and visualize your walk history while taking care of a virtual dog that you can take on walks with you.

  126. Marty Hlavacek headshot

    Marty Hlavacek

    Software Engineering

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Klimatize App

    A home climate monitoring solution that integrates IoT devices with external data sources.

  127. Marwan Nofal headshot

    Marwan Nofal

    Software Engineering

    Toronto, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: BloodLink

    BloodLink is a web app that connects donors to urgent blood needs based on location and blood type eligibility.

  128. Nate Paradiso headshot

    Nate Paradiso

    Software Engineering

    Seattle, WA

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Selfie Photographer of the Year

    Selfie Photographer of the Year merges photography & software, AI underwater selfies, easy uploads via MySQL & Cloudinary for a vibrant experience.

  129. Philip Zhang headshot

    Philip Zhang

    Software Engineering

    Richmond, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: MyPath

    Your go-to place for recording travel moments – upload photos, jot down trip highlights in blogs, and mark your map with all the places you've been!

  130. Reid Gibson-Bingham headshot

    Reid Gibson-Bingham

    Software Engineering

    Burnaby, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: HapiCapi

    HapiCapi is an app designed to find deals for items from websites that don’t have APIs to obtain data from easily. I have also wanted to learn more about web scraping, and have wanted to make a terminal styled frontend for a while. I called my app “HapiCapi” because its purpose is to make capitalists happier by finding deals on online items.

  131. Robbie Carragher headshot

    Robbie Carragher

    Software Engineering

    Nelson, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Lyric Spot

    Discover the Lyrics to your favourite songs, albums or playlists.

  132. Sebastian Kruszewski headshot

    Sebastian Kruszewski

    Software Engineering

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Counter-Strike Knowledge Base

    Counter Strike Knowledge Base: Empowering gamers with a link checker, item analysis, and influencer/website directory for safe Counter-Strike trading.

  133. Stephen Man headshot

    Stephen Man

    Software Engineering

    Mississauga, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Proxy Rabbits

    A full-stack, social networking app that helps people find a proxy for buying region-exclusive items.

  134. Steven Faliszewski headshot

    Steven Faliszewski

    Software Engineering

    Kamloops, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: DrugBug

    DrugBug is a medication tracking app with a back end that uses Cron syntax and worker threads to schedule email and web push notifications for medication dose and refill reminders. The front end is a React App that allows users to schedule reminders and view their medication and dose information in one place.

  135. Taylor Maxwell headshot

    Taylor Maxwell

    Software Engineering

    Vancouver, BC

    Project: Prospecta, a Simple CRM Software

    Prospecta is a simple to use and easy to visualize sales pipeline navigator capable of helping users track sales expectations over time.

  136. Tenzing Lama headshot

    Tenzing Lama

    Software Engineering

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: DIY

    A community for DIY enthusiasts where woodwork project plans are shared in a simple format that helps beginners easily follow the provided steps and find success in their quest.

  137. Tomas Martinez headshot

    Tomas Martinez

    Software Engineering

    Belleville, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Rate-Escape

    Rate Escape is a full-stack web app that acts as a one-stop collection of escape rooms sourced, rated, and ranked by the escape room community. Room owners upload rooms to the site, while players can rate, review, save, and share their favorites to friends and family.

  138. Ulysses Li headshot

    Ulysses Li

    Software Engineering

    Thornhill, ON

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Polis

    Polis provides Canadian citizens with clear and concise information about bills currently in the Canadian Parliament, to bridge the gap between complex legislative activities and the average citizen's understanding.

  139. Véronique Desrochers headshot

    Véronique Desrochers

    Software Engineering

    Montréal, QB

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: Grand Ordinaire - Importation company

    My app is a brand website from a local wine importer meant to showcase the amazing humans behind the wine they import in Quebec. I want to help the importer boost his sales and upgrade his brand so he can keep up with the competition.

  140. Vince Lee headshot

    Vince Lee

    Software Engineering

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Project: Health Canvas

    Health Canvas is an app that analyzes the medical symptoms of users, and provides a differential diagnosis or offers likely explanations supported by the user data. Initially the app will take into consideration two broad topics - cancer and cardiovascular disease. Health Canvas will encourage and will assist with client-directed healthcare, where the user takes charge of their own health.

  141. Yanan Liu headshot

    Yanan Liu

    Software Engineering

    Vancouver, BC

    Open to Remote Work

    Open to Relocation

    Project: WanderHub

    WanderHub is the ultimate travel companion that transforms trip planning and exploration. Tailored for travel enthusiasts, WanderHub streamlines the journey with a carefully curated array of captivating travel images and interactive features.

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