Uber Integrates with Snapchat via Ride-Related Filters
It’s an unlikely partnership except that in Silicon Valley, nothing is unlikely. Transportation giant Uber is now offering ride-related Snapchat filters.
For example, if you’re on your way to meet with someone, you can now Snap them with an “estimated arrival time” filter. Because a selfie with a sticker overlay is way cooler than a text message, right?
“With our Snapchat integration, you can now unlock custom Uber filters while you ride,” says Uber. “Whether you want to let friends know when you’ll arrive with our ETA filters, show how you roll with our ride filters or select a mystery filter for an added surprise, you now have a fun and social way to share you’re in an Uber.”
If you’re a Snapchat user on an Uber ride, you’ll see a Snap card in your feed. Select a filter to unlock, take a selfie, and swipe.