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Student Profile

Dylan Stack

Co-Founder and Head of Partnerships at Frontside Agency

Course Taken

Product Management Certification

Key Skills Learned

  • Agile Methodology
  • Product Development
  • Prototyping
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Dylan Stack


Where are you working currently, and what do you do there?

I work as the Co-Founder and Head of Partnerships at Frontside Agency, and previously at Shopify as Senior Producer, Creator Program.

Can you tell us a bit about your education and career background?

I completed a Finance degree at the University of British Columbia in 2016 and have dipped my toes in a few different areas of interest since then. I've worked on a real estate development project in Los Angeles, managed strategic partnership activities at Hootsuite, and spent a year in management consulting before landing at Shopify.

Why did you choose to study at BrainStation?

BrainStation is a no-brainer when it comes to levelling up one's digital skills. The Instructors really care, the content is engaging, and having the freedom to deliver a final project of your choice is something else in its own.

What motivated you to start digital skills training?

My job requires me to have a strong digital aptitude across a variety of different areas. As such, I like to take every opportunity to develop my digital skills to provide the greatest value possible to my merchants.

What was the highlight of your learning experience?

Getting to come up with an idea I cared about for my final project and running with it from start to finish.

How has your BrainStation experience impacted your career?

It's given me more confidence in certain aspects of my role and I'm sure it will continue to level me up in all the right areas as my career progresses in the world of tech.

What would you say were the most valuable skills you learned?

The most valuable skills I learned during the UX Design course was building personas, creating wireframes, and designing working prototypes. In the Product Management course, the most valuable skills I've got to expand upon is developing a minimal viable product, using an agile approach, and iterating on different go-to-market strategies.

How have you incorporated those skills into your current role?

I completed the UX Design course at BrainStation last Spring and have seen many concepts come up time and time again in my current role. One aspect of working on a conversion strategy with merchants at Shopify includes reviewing their UX design and identifying areas for improvement. Another aspect is working with merchants to come up with new products to add to the mix and the best strategies to bring those to market – this is where the skills developed in the Product Management course really come in handy.

What advice would you give to professionals considering a BrainStation course?

Do it.

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