Introducing Synapse, the world's first data-driven learning platform.
A Modern Approach to Learning
Synapse is an intuitive extension of BrainStation's Instructor-led learning experience,
providing a data-driven platform that enables and encourages collaboration and feedback.
Personalized Learning
Synapse gathers key insights to provide a personalized learning experience meant to accelerate learning and facilitate networking.
Real-Time Feedback
Seamless, responsive feedback mechanisms increase the rate of comprehension and engagement, providing a deeper learning experience than ever before.
Ongoing Engagement
Accessible content and learning materials drives further academic exploration and student engagement.
24-Hour Access
Freedom to access learning materials and resources at any time encourages preparation and enables continuous content review.
Social Learning
Engaging with classmates and Instructors across mediums complements learning and builds a valuable network.
Course Preparation
Advanced access to readings, coupled with comprehension reminders, helps organization and preparation.
Track Progress
Instructor comments on coursework are presented alongside project requirements to create a constructive feedback process.
Data-Driven Learning
Instructors track the comprehension of course content to develop a personalized learning experience for each student