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Google Training

Learn key skills from expert industry instructors, online or in-person

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Analyze, optimize & grow

Google Analytics and Ads are two of the world's most widely used cloud-based platforms, in use by the vast majority of today's digital marketing teams. Approximately 50 million websites use Google Analytics to track and measure the performance of web properties and marketing campaigns, while an estimated 1.2 million advertisers use Google Ads.

What we teach

Google Analytics

Google Analytics Training

Google Analytics Training provides instruction on the core platform, with a focus on creating segments, interpreting data, and generating reports.

Google Ads

Google Ads Training

Google Ads Training provides an understanding of the platform and how to launch an effective Ads campaign with compelling copy through keyword research.

Expert guidance on Analytics & Ads

Expert guidance on Analytics & Ads

Instructor-led training provides your team direct access to an expert with a wealth of experience implementing and using Google Analytics and Google Ads. Expert guidance and coaching ensures increased knowledge retention and establishes best practices and processes tailored to your organizations needs.

Training offered Online or In Person

BrainStation Training is offered in our state-of-the-art campuses or through Synapse, BrainStation's intuitive, data-driven learning platform. Both delivery formats empower Instructors to lead live lectures and provide immediate feedback.

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