Cybersecurity Analyst Salary

BrainStation’s Cybersecurity Analyst career guide is your first step toward a career in the field. Find out how much a Cybersecurity Analyst can earn.

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According to Mondo, the average annual salary for a Cybersecurity Analyst is between $90,000 and $160,000. For a more precise number, Indeed reports that the average salary for the role is $81,738 a year in Canada and $97,079 a year in the U.S.

The impact of cyber attacks can be devastating, so businesses are now paying more to hire the best cybersecurity professionals to protect their data. The salaries for other roles in the field of cybersecurity can vary, with some of the top-earning positions being Penetration Tester ($80,000 to $130,000), Application Security Engineer ($120,000 to $180,0000), Cybersecurity Engineer ($120,000 to $200,000), Network Security Engineer ($125,000 to $185,000) and Information Security Manager ($125,000 to $215,000).

Professional CertificationLearn Cybersecurity

  • Demand for Cybersecurity skills is growing rapidly
  • Learn collaboratively from Industry Experts
  • Take the course online or in-person

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