How to become a Data scientist (2024 Guide)

How Much Do Data Scientists Make?

BrainStation’s Data Scientist career guide can help you take the first steps toward a lucrative career in data science. Read on for an overview of the average Data Scientist salary.

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The average Data Scientist salary is roughly $100,000 annually in the United States, according to Glassdoor and Payscale. Other sources report even higher average salaries for Data Scientists, with Indeed reporting that Data Scientists make $141,000 per year on average, while reports that Data Scientist salaries range from $122,000 to $150,000 on average.

Obviously, salary ranges can vary greatly depending on the region you’re in and your level of experience. But, that being said, Data Scientist salaries sit quite comfortably at the high end of the tech spectrum.

Entry Level Data Scientist Salary

The average entry-level Data Scientist salary is just over $80,000 annually in the United States, according to Glassdoor.

 Salaries for entry-level Data Scientist jobs will vary greatly depending on the company, industry, and educational background required by the position, with average base compensation for entry-level Data Scientists falling anywhere from $72,000 to $88,000 per year.

Most entry-level Data Scientists will have between 0-to-two years of experience and will possess at least a bachelor’s degree. Junior Data Scientists with a master’s degree might be in line for a higher entry-level salary.

Senior Data Scientist Salary

The average Senior Data Scientist salary ranges from $128,000 to $143,000 in the United States, according to Glassdoor and Payscale.

Salaries for Senior Data Scientists usually include more than $100,000 in base salary, plus potentially significant amounts more in bonuses and even profit-sharing arrangements.

Senior Data Scientists typically have at least five-to-10 years of professional experience in data science.

How Much Do Data Professionals Make?

Northeastern University broke down salary expectations for a range of data science subfields, with Data Scientist ($140,000), Machine Learning Engineer ($115,000), Machine Learning Scientist ($114,000), Applications Architect ($114,000), and Enterprise Architect ($110,663) at the top of the list.

In certain industries, even junior Data Analysts are richly rewarded. According to a study by Springboard, people conducting data analysis in the natural resources and mining sector can expect salaries north of $100,000, while those working in the professional, scientific, technical services, finance and insurance sectors can all earn an average $90,000—even at a more junior level.