how to become a Python developer (2024 Guide)

How Much Do Python Developers Make?

BrainStation’s Python Developer career guide can help you take the first steps toward a lucrative career in web development and data science. Read on for an overview of the average salary for a Python Developer.

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According to Glassdoor, the national average salary for a Python Developer or Python Programmer is $96,890 in the United States, with salaries ranging from $87,000 to $105,000.

When it comes to Python, however, it’s also important to consider the earning potential of related jobs, including Data Scientist, Data Analyst, and Web Developer, among others (Python Programmers .

For example, Web Developers have a median annual income between $78,000 (Indeed) and $88,000 (Glassdoor). The average salary for Web Developers in the United States is $71,531, with Senior Developers averaging $95,325. That makes web development one of the most lucrative roles in tech.

On the data side, Glassdoor reported the average base salary for a Data Scientist at more than $113,000 (and $134,000 for a Senior Data Scientist). The average salary for a Data Analyst in the U.S., meanwhile, is $75,086, and it rises to $96,852 among Senior Data Analysts.