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Certificate (London)

Product Leadership

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Professional Certificate

Product Leadership Course London

  • Live Classroom
  • Part-Time
  • Expert Instructors

Learn to leverage disruptive technologies and product management strategy to drive innovation.

View the Course Package to access:

  • Tuition details and scholarships
  • Financing options
  • Employer sponsorship

Next Kickoff:

September 24

6:30 pm – 9:30 pm EDT


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Product Leadership


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4.7 out of 5 stars Course Report
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Learn Product Leadership Skills Live, Led by Experienced Product Leaders

Strong product leadership has changed the status quo for how modern businesses operate. In this live class, learn how to drive visionary leadership and lead cross-functional teams through the execution of your vision.

Learn Product Leadership in London

Online classroom. Live and expert-led.

Skill Level

Ideal for product management professionals and graduates of BrainStation's Product Management Course.

Professional Certificate

Earn a BrainStation Product Leadership Certificate.

Upcoming Course Dates & Campuses

Class Dates Class Times Instructor

Sep 24 - Nov 12

September 24 - November 12

8 Tuesdays

2024-09-24T22:30:00.0000000Z - 2024-09-25T01:30:00.0000000Z Enrol Now
Campus classroom preparing for class

This Course is Offered Online in New York

Campus classroom preparing for class

This Course is Offered Online in Miami

Campus classroom preparing for class

This Course is Offered Online in London

Campus classroom preparing for class

This Course is Offered Online in Toronto

Campus classroom preparing for class

This Course is Offered Online in Vancouver

Unit 1

Visionary Leadership

Through real-world case studies, explore the foundations of product leadership and how top business leaders have leveraged their product vision and harnessed cutting-edge technologies to drive innovation in their industries. Explore the business strategies behind innovative companies and apply key digital business models to your business.

Key Skills:
Product Leadership Pillars
Product Vision
Disruptive Technologies
Artificial Intelligence
Competitive Landscaping
Product Mapping
Strategic Decision-Making

Learn the Product Leadership Pillars

Discover the pillars of product leadership, including how to leverage customer centricity and how the product lifecycle drives innovation.

Define a Product Vision With Disruptive Technology.

Discover the disruptive technologies that are driving business innovation today, and learn to define a product vision that harnesses those technologies into transformational opportunities.

Unit 2

Product Strategy & Innovation

Explore the digital business models that have enabled product leaders to drive innovation and help their businesses thrive within the modern economy. Discover human-centric problem solving with Design Thinking, and learn how to apply this strategic framework to identify innovative solutions and uncover new opportunities.

Key Skills:
Innovative Business Models
Revenue Models
Business Model Evaluation
Design Thinking
Human-Centred Design
Iterative Design

Explore Digital Business Models

Through a case-based approach led by your expert instructors, discover the role digital business models have played, alongside disruptive technologies, in driving innovation across the world. Learn the framework for evaluating and deconstructing digital business models to uncover how they drive value.

Unlock Creativity With Design Thinking

Learn how Design Thinking enables creative problem solving and experience it in motion through a hands-on group Design Thinking workshop.

Unit 3

Leading Talent & Organisations

Digital leaders must learn to capitalise on digital opportunities including planning and executing on their implementation. Discover digital roadmaps, and learn the mindsets and strategy to lead cross-functional teams through the execution of your product vision in a variety of hands-on workshops and case studies.

Key Skills:
Product Roadmaps
Building Teams
Fostering Innovation
Risk Management
Lean Analytics
Leadership KPIs
Digital Culture
Stakeholder Alignment

Plan and Optimise With Product Roadmaps

Learn the guiding principles of developing and optimising your digital roadmap with strategic prioritisation and unlocked efficiencies.

Lead High-Performance Product Teams

Explore the concepts and practises behind high-performance product teams, and learn how to apply them as a product leader.

Master Stakeholder Partnerships

Learn how to collaborate with and leverage external stakeholders to drive forward momentum in the execution of your vision.

Taught by Experienced Industry Experts

BrainStation Instructors are experienced practitioners who work at the world's most innovative companies. They're experts in their field, and enter the classroom with years of experience making sure you're learning the most up-to-date and practical skills companies around the world need.

Arjun Gopalratnam

Arjun Gopalratnam

Director of Product at Peloton

Michael Ayoola

Michael Ayoola

Director of Product Management at The New York Times

Warren Chang

Warren Chang

VP, Engineering at Shutterstock

Nada Salem

Nada Salem

Data Scientist & Product Manager at Spotify

Myriam Kruse

Myriam Kruse

Director of Product at Audible

Arjun Gopalratnam

Arjun Gopalratnam

Director of Product at Peloton

Michael Ayoola

Michael Ayoola

Director of Product Management at The New York Times

Warren Chang

Warren Chang

VP, Engineering at Shutterstock

Nada Salem

Nada Salem

Data Scientist & Product Manager at Spotify

Myriam Kruse

Myriam Kruse

Director of Product at Audible

Built With Experts From The World's Most Innovative Companies

BrainStation partners with industry experts when building all of our courses, ensuring every course covers the latest industry-relevant topics and tools businesses need. We continue to work with our network of experts to update our courses so they're always up to date.

View Tuition, Financing Options, and More in the Course Package

View the Course Package to access:

  • Tuition details and scholarships
  • Financing options
  • Employer sponsorship

Earn a BrainStation Product Leadership Certificate

Upon completing BrainStation's Product Leadership Course, you'll receive an industry-recognised professional certificate to share with your network and showcase all that you've learned. BrainStation certificates are formatted for sharing on LinkedIn.

Google map of location surrounding 55-57 Rivington Street, London, EC2A 3QA, UK


Learn in the Center of London

Based in the tech district of Shoreditch, BrainStation is at the heart of London's digital scene, surrounded by the most cutting-edge companies in the city. In addition to courses, BrainStation London offers training sessions, industry events, expert panel discussions, and more.

BrainStation London
55-57 Rivington Street, London, EC2A 3QA, UK

What Our Graduates Are Saying

Dylan Hebb

Dylan Hebb

Senior Consultant at Content Bloom

When you take a BrainStation course, you're learning with some of the very best in the industry. You collaborate with product managers, digital strategists, UX designers, and all kinds of other backgrounds.

#brainstation #BeFutureProof #LearningAtBrainStation #remotelearning

Andrew Gosine

Andrew Gosine

Product Designer

Our instructor... was clear, detail oriented, and made the learning environment safe and collaborative. We got a lot of real world examples from him, and all the little details he shared made this entire course special, and more than simply reading a textbook.

Overall, I'm a big advocate for Brainstation's courses - they've proved to be extremely valuable in my career.

Greg Hayes

Greg Hayes

Co-Founder and CEO at Branch

My ultimate goal was to start my own company, and though I didn’t have a specific idea in mind at that time, I knew that BrainStation could provide me with the skills I would need to take an idea from conception to execution.

Read Full Testimonial
Christopher Spinelli

Christopher Spinelli

Art Director at New York School of Interior Design

It's always hard to start something new, especially when it involves learning skills that you know will force you to think differently about your day-to-day work. I'm glad I got over that fear and signed up for two classes... both were fantastic!

#brainstation #webdesigner #webdevelopment

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