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Data Science Vancouver | A Panel Discussion on Machine Learning, Deep Learning & AI

Past Event


  • 2018-02-01T02:30:00.0000000Z  –  2018-02-01T04:00:00.0000000Z
  • BrainStation Vancouver
    455 Granville St, Vancouver, BC
  • $45.00

Registration is Closed

Speakers From

Event Overview

Named the “sexiest job of the 21st century” by the likes of the Harvard Business Review, Data Science is one of the tech industry’s favorite new professions.

It’s a field that’s growing and involves complex disciplines like machine learning, deep learning, statistics, mathematics and more to extract insights from data, adding value for every team within a company.

With so many growth opportunities, it’s more important than ever for every industry to understand their data and optimize their business accordingly.

Join us for a Data Science Panel Discussion where we’ll dive into the real-world applications of machine learning, deep learning, and AI with expert Data Scientists.  




*Event is non-refundable and non-transferable.


Keith Edmonds

Keith Edmonds

Senior Data Scientist, Ritchie Bros

Keith Edmonds's company
Charles Iliya Krempeaux

Charles Iliya Krempeaux

Chief Technology Officer

Mathieu King

Mathieu King

Analytics Lead, Boeing

Mathieu King's company

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Please reserve your spot to attend this exciting event.

Past Event


  • 2018-02-01T02:30:00.0000000Z  –  2018-02-01T04:00:00.0000000Z
  • BrainStation Vancouver
    455 Granville St, Vancouver, BC
  • $45.00

Registration is Closed

Google map of location surrounding 455 Granville St #400, Vancouver, BC, V6C 1T1


Explore and Learn Within Our Vancouver Campus

Located in the heart of the tech & retail district, BrainStation is at the centre of Vancouver's business scene, where you can discover the tech community surrounded by the city's best companies and leaders.

BrainStation Vancouver
455 Granville St #400, Vancouver, BC, V6C 1T1

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Join Us Live

Please reserve your spot to attend this exciting event.

Past Event


  • 2018-02-01T02:30:00.0000000Z  –  2018-02-01T04:00:00.0000000Z
  • BrainStation Vancouver
    455 Granville St, Vancouver, BC
  • $45.00

Registration is Closed

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