According to Juice Mobile 91% of Mobile Internet Access is to Socialize
Neil Sweeney was named Canada’s Top Digital Media Executive in 2011 at the JUICE Mobile, a mobile advertising and analytics company with dozens of Canadian clients. JUICE offers access to over 1B monthly mobile impressions from 1,500 various Canadian and USA publishers.
After winning the award JUICE posts on their blog: “What is the basis of JUICE’s rapid rise and success? Founded in 2010, JUICE is the first firm in Canada that is solely dedicated to the mobile advertising market, uniquely positioning it to help brands connect with audiences on all mobile devices including phones, tablets, readers and game consoles.”
If any Canadian company wishes to challenge the latter statement Techvibes would welcome it, but here are some numbers that Juice Mobile put forth in an infographic after the jump since their network is representative of the Canadian consumer mobile space:
- Mobile app revenue grew from $5 billion to $12 billion in 2011 (KPCB).
- Mobile commerce is predicted to total $11.6 billion in 2012 (emarketer).
- 1 in 2 smartphone users play games on their device (Flurry).
- 1.25 million tablets have been sold in Canada and that is estimated to double to 2.5 million in 2012 (SRG).
- 9% of Canadians own a tablet, 44% of Canadian tablet owners are female (SRG).
- The average age of a tablet owner is 39 (SRG).
- 43% of impressions delivered by Apple operating system, 33% by Blackberry OS, 20% by Android on JUICE Platform (November 2011).
- 60% of Twitter sessions are from a mobile device (Twitter).
- 600 million mobile social networkers globally by 2013 (425 million + now) (emarketer).
- 91% of mobile internet access is to socialize (Post).