New AI Forum Unites Thinkers Across Creativity and Technology, Solidifies Montreal as Innovation Hub
Artificial intelligence is poised to drive the future of business and technology and Montréal is positioning itself to drive the future of AI research and development.
Element AI, the world’s largest applied AI research lab, announced this week that it will launch the inaugural edition of The AI Forum in partnership with the C2 Montréal international commerce and creativity conference in May.
“Every year, leaders from all over the world come to C2 Montréal to shift their perspective and explore new ways of doing business,” says Richard St-Pierre, President of C2. “AI is the next frontier.”
The AI Forum provides an opportunity for organizations to look at creative answers to commercial and societal issues “through an AI-first lens.”
“No matter what industry they are leading, executives must understand the possibilities and learn to navigate these fertile territories,” said St-Pierre. “Together, Element AI and C2 will help create new opportunities for those who wish to be at the forefront of the most promising technologies.”
Curated by Element AI cofounders Jean-François Gagné Yoshua Bengio, The AI Forum will explore the capabilities inherent in AI while peering into the future of what may be possible.
“Artificial Intelligence can only be as smart as the network dedicated to its creation and growth—that’s why Element AI is partnering with C2 this May,” explains Gagné. “Together, we’re going to bring the best and brightest people in the educational, creative and commercial space for a discussion around Artificial Intelligence and its impact on the world.”
Curated by Jean-François Gagné and preeminent AI researcher, deep learning pioneer and Element AI co-founder Yoshua Bengio, The AI Forum will explore the vast capabilities inherent in AI while peering into the future of what may be possible.
The AI Forum attendees will have access to masterclasses and workshops designed to help them dig deeper into specific issues and opportunities with the help of world-leading AI experts, as well as access to brainstorming sessions, connection mechanisms and celebrations.
“As the AI space advances, it is important to bring together leaders in the scientific, business and political communities in order to find the best ways to promote positive discussion that creates beneficial, meaningful development of these technologies,” says Bengio. “As I think of AI as helping minds, events like C2 enable the best minds to get together and discuss how we all can succeed on a geometric scale.”
Montréal’s expanding AI ecosystem is supported by, among others, the Montréal Institute for Learning Algorithms, Google, McGill University, and Microsoft.