Art of Marketing Twitter contest winners announced
As we reported on Monday, The Art of Marketing (#taom) hit Toronto on Tuesday and asked attendees and the Toronto Twitter community to submit questions to the speakers via the #taom hashtag. The speakers selected 3 questions each and answered them on TheBizMedia green screen at the event.
The videos of the Q&A are below, feel free to share the knowledge!
If your question was selected, you won an autographed book. So without further delay, the winners are:
Mitch Joel selected questions from: @jonlim @_ian_barnett and @tikodigital
Sally Hogshead selected questions from: @daneskin @FLA_Leah and @GuerrillaVP (@GuerrillaVP also wins an autographed vanity plate from Sally for asking her favorite question)
Max Lenderman selected questions from: @TheSocialCMO @chieflemonhead @chrisunwin and @joncrowley
James P Othmer selected questions from: @luckyjodi @benjaminbach and @erin_bury
You can claim your book by visiting TheBizMedia studios, located in the Yonge and Dundas area. You can contact them to arrange a pick up by contacting Guy Gal at 416 735 6222, @mynameisguygal, or at
Congratulations to all the winners!