Former Apple CEO John Sculley: ‘I Think BlackBerry Can be Saved’
Former chief executive officer of Apple John Sculley believes BlackBerry’s shaken-up board of directors can breathe new life into the dying company.
Sculley, who was preparing to bid on BlackBerry before the Waterloo-based smartphone pioneer abandoned its sales process, believes the company can be saved.
“I think BlackBerry can be saved,” Sculley, now chairman of Pivot Technology Solutions, said today on Bloomberg Surveillance, “and I think it may be saved by the new board [of directors].”
When asked where he sees value in BlackBerry, Sculley replied: “It’s pretty simple.”
“Decouple the hardware device with the BlackBerry brand, put it on the Android operating system so that people can make apps for it—because the current [BlackBerry OS] doesn’t have any following with developers—and then Lenovo could buy that,” he says, referring to the Beijing-based computer manufacturers deep interest in BlackBerry. “And then take the enterprise service business, which has a great network with 600 carriers, and then start to move into BYOD [Bring Your Own Device].”
Sculley finished by saying that if BlackBerry put itself up for sale again, he would consider bidding.