Canada is a Big Place for two female bloggers

Techvibes guest contributor Victoria Revay is off for the summer on a cross Canada adventure. Canada is a Big Place is a pilot project for the Canadian Tourism Commission that takes two female journalists from opposite sides of the country across Canada in 7 weeks. Revay and fellow blogger Carolyne Weldon will discover destinations that only the locals know about and share them online interactively.
The project is pretty Web 2.0 – anyone who visits the site can “recommend” places for Revay and Weldon to go, you can follow them on an interactive map, tweet them (@canadaisabigplace) or leave comments on their blog. And of course your can connect with them through Facebook, Flickr and YouTube and they promise to monitor everything real-time and respond to all inquiries.
Nice move by the Canadian Tourism Commission. And smart picking one Anglophone and one Francophone.
Side note: The Canada is a Big Place site was created by Vancouver’s FCV Technologies.