Company Launches First White Label Data Storage Service in Canada
Kingston Ontario-based Canadian Cloud Backup has launched a unique product in Canada: wholesale offsite data storage. The storage can be used directly by IT firms, ISPs and the like, or the white label service can be bundled and resold to those customers’ own clients.
Outside of Canada, offsite storage service is nothing new. Years ago, Amazon famously built its astoundingly large S3 storage network and parceled it off on the cheap, effectively solving the data storage problem for a great many businesses. Canadian Cloud Backup’s solution is news because it’s the first service of its kind in Canada.
Why build in Canada what you can already get through US-based Amazon? To make their case, Canadian Cloud Backup raises the spectre of regulation. “The Canadian data laws (PIPEDA) are always changing,” said Chris Medeiros, Canadian Cloud Backup COO. “There is a high probability that eventually all Canadian medical, financial, and personal data will be required to stay in Canada, and to not be stored in foreign data centers.”
Whether the threat of PIPEDA amendments is enough to convince companies to bring their data back home remains to be seen. Regardless, if the law comes to pass as the company predicts, Canadian Cloud Backup will be uniquely positioned to accommodate the flood of private data-intensive institutions seeking compliance.