Canadians Still Dress to Impress at Work
While many workplaces have implemented more liberal and casual dress codes, professionals still dress to impress.
Seven per cent of Canadians are spending as much time getting ready for work as they do for a night out on the town, according to LinkedIn’s New Norms @Work study, and 30 per cent of Canadian working women believe they get judged more for what they wear at work.
Men tend to look for a more prescriptive approach than their female counterparts and prefer an environment that dictates attire. Eight per cent of men compared with four per cent of women wish their office had a dress code.
Regardless of gender, the study shows that workers today are mindful of their appearance and how it parlays to their professional brand, and more than half (53 per cent) of Canadian professionals keep dual wardrobes for work and play.
“Whether it’s how you dress, how much you reveal about your employment history, or how often you update your profile photo, the decisions you make about your professional brand online and in-person can all impact your career,” said Kathleen Kahlon, communications lead, LinkedIn Canada.
In today’s digital age, your profile photo is oftentimes your chance for a first impression. Professionals on LinkedIn working in recruiting, fashion, luxury goods and hospitality tend to change their profile pictures more often than average. Not surprisingly, millennials change their pictures more often, making them the most viewed demographic on LinkedIn.
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