City of Vancouver not too happy with CRTC’s decision on Internet metering
The City of Vancouver is putting its foot down.
In response to a decision by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) concerning usage-based billing for web access, known as “internet metering,” the City of Vancouver made public a motion proposing a reversal.
In a first-of-its-kind motion by any city against the CRTC, Vancouver has expressed its vehement opposal to financial penalities for over-usage of the internet (which, the argument goes, doesn’t exist).
Put forward by Councillor Andrea Reimer, the motion seeks to prevent oligiopolist telecos from imposing usage-based billing on the independent Internet Service Providers that purchase wholesale broadband from them. The motion logically argues that the imposition of usage-based billing will stifle innovation, harm jobs, and make it more difficult to access services. This follows overwhelming participation in the Stop The Meter petition, an initiative launched by public engagement group, which effectively demonstrated that Canadians en masse are opposed to Internet metering.
“The fact that representatives of the city of Vancouver feel compelled to speak out on this issue is yet another testament to how overwhelmingly unpopular the CRTC’s decision is,” said Steve Anderson,’s national coordinator. “While the CRTC is sitting back allowing Big Telecom to impede online choice and innovation, it is good to know that there are people in government working to do what is best for the public, and support a robust and open Internet.”