ComScore’s Top Start-ups in Canada – August 2008
As a follow-up to our August Canadian Start-Up Index earlier today, we’ve arranged with comScore to get some real data behind what our numbers mean. While we agree that Alexa and Compete numbers are not an accurate measurement of website traffic, they are a great way to compare the traffic of multiple online properties as it creates a level playing field for metrics. In the attached chart, the Online % Reach is the percentage of Canadians online that each entity reaches. As an example, reached 8.2% of all Canadians aged 2+ online during the month of June 2008, making them the hands-down leader. Thanks to our new Start-Up Index criteria, we’ve got a battle brewing between #1 MetroLyrics vs. #2 Plentyoffish. However, comSore numbers reveal a third contender. Nexopia, which ranks #15 on our Canadian Start-up Index, cuts in line in front of everyone and grabs the #2 spot on the comScore list just ahead of Plentyoffish with a reach of 5.6%. Thanks to comScore for sharing this valuable data with Techvibes!