DemoCamp Edmonton 4
It’s DemoCamp time in Edmonton again. Thanks to everyone who came out to the last DemoCamp Edmonton. It was awesome to get the community together again and check out some of the awesome things that people are up to. As an extra note it was great to see a number of U of A students out at the last event and we are hoping to see more students from both the U of A and some of the colleges in town (NAIT, MacEwan), out at the next one.
On that note…DemoCamp Edmonton 4 is scheduled to take place on October 29th at 6:30 at the U of A ETLC room E1-017. It will be great to have the community together again and see some more great things that are going on.
As a part of the community building process, we’re looking for people to help spread the word. We’d like to challenge everyone to tell a few people about Democamp and physically bring at least one new person to the event.
If you are interested in attending, demoing or helping, you can find out more information and sign up on the wiki at