Desire2Learn Acquires Achievement Standards Network, a Database of Learning Standards
Desire2Learn has acquired the Achievement Standards Network.
The Canadian education technology giant bought ASN, a large online database of learning standards, will assuume responsiblity for operating the network’s public data infrastructure, according to VentureBeat, who broke the news.
Quoth VB:
According to a Desire2Learn spokesperson, “No money has traded hands,” as the nonprofit JES & Co runs ASN. [Jeremy Auger, Desire2Learn’s cofounder and chief strategy officer] pointed out that the objectives of his company and ASN are deeply aligned. Both teams are committed to banishing paper-based processes in education and putting materials online. Desire2Learn executives have stressed their commitment to manage ASN—otherwise, teachers would be up in arms.
Auger told VB that D2L currently has no plans to monetize ASN, noting simply that it will “add value” to the company’s existing products.
Last year D2L raised a massive $80 million round from NEA and OMERS Ventures before acquiring Knowillage Systems. The Waterloo-based company later joined forces with other local organizations to launch the Open Data Institute to foster open government.