Epilogger Launches Mobile App That Creates Stream of Events’ Social Networking Buzz
Toronto-born Epilogger launched its iPhone app at Launch Festival 2013this week.
The Canadian startup aggregates event data, making specific event-related content searchable within the app. It aims to be the primary destination for event attendees to engage with an event before, during, and after.
Customers of Epilogger already include notables like Movember and Chevrolet, but perhaps the biggest catch to date is a recently acquired client: the National Hockey League Players’ Association.
A few things set Epilogger’s platform apart in the way they aggregate event data. First in line is the fact that event-goers need not log in or upload their content directly to Epilogger’s platform; there is no need to hashtag the company every time you tweet about your evening- they’ll find you.
“All of that information is actually backed up and stored on our cloud server,” cofounder Chris Brooker explained to Techvibes last year, “so we’re not just temporarily putting it all together. We’re actually keeping that content for people in a bit of a time capsule.”
Learn more about the app’s launch in this interview with PandoDaily.