Fantasy is reality: tips, tricks and tools to get the most out of your fantasy hockey team
Since we’ve already gone over why fantasy hockey is so great, how about a few tips and tools to help you in your upcoming fantasy draft? Here are a few to get you to the top of your league’s leader board.
- unusual stats, like hits, blocked shots, etc. If your pool is using an unusual scoring system, has all the info you need to know about these obscure numbers.
- Printing out an old-school cheat sheet: Even in this modern world of computers and the Internet and Lady Gaga, I still find it comforting and even intuitive to have a printed out list of players organized by my personal draft ranking. Watching the players go to other teams, crossing their names off and making plans for who to take next accordingly is a very tactile, and for my money, easy way to get more of the players you want in the draft.