Followformation makes sense out of following on Twitter
There’s a new app on the Vancouver Twitter scene. Followformation launched today and promises to help Twitter users quickly follow people that matter in their areas of interest.
Followformation is meant for Twitter users that would like to make sense out of following. For new Twitter users, who to follow can be especially intimidating. Followformation helps social media newcomers simplify the first few steps by slicing Top Twitter users into popular categories and automating the entire following process.
Users are able to choose their areas of interest (Celebrity, TV, and Entrepreneur for example), preview the people in these categories, and follow them in bulk (10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 at a time).
Followformation will be building an advertising platform that will allow companies and individuals to bid on featured positions in each category. Don’t worry, bidders will be pre-approved based on a set of criteria that are designed to preserve the quality of the users in the formation pool.
Followformation was created by Vancouver’s Aer Marketing Inc., a web startup founded in 2008 by four University of British Columbia students. The company plans to expand Followformation’s following concept to other social networks like Tumblr.
To celebrate the launch, Followformation has partnered up with Vancouver-born Hootsuite – the first 50 people to tweet about Followformation here will receive a Hootsuite 2.0 private beta invitation.