Connects French Canadians Living in Vancouver
Most of the people I meet in Vancouver aren’t actually born-and-raised Vancouverites. They’re transplants, either from the East Coast or from somewhere else in the world. One of these people is Alexandre Brabant, founder of (and the guy behind, a new online community that connects French-Canadians living in Vancouver. The site launched 5 months ago and has increased its membership continuously.
Although the site can be used (and is encouraged to be used) by anyone, it’s especially useful when you need to connect with French-Canadians or to culturally relevant events, news, jobs, sports and meetings. For example, their next event sounds fun–it’s on April 18th at the Anza Club. For a nominal fee of $10, you can join Alex and his friends for drinks, music and a lots of fun.
Speaking of French-Canadian news, there is a fantastic “job” opportunity for a social media maven or maverick to consider. If you’re a blogger, writer, interested in creative writing or journalism and can take 4-5 weeks to travel across Canada this June, you should read on. There is a cool opportunity for a French blogger to join a team of bloggers across Canada for 4-5 weeks, part of a new social media initiative promoting Canada. This is an all-expenses-paid gig, however there is no extra compensation.
If you are interested, please email with a few writing samples and a CV.