Free Wi-Fi service in Toronto Public Libraries

This morning the Toronto Public Library (TPL) announced that all of it’s branches are now equipped with free wireless internet access. The anouncement is a response to meet demand from customers coming to the library with personal wireless devices. Customers may connect in any library branch with their laptop, smartphone or any other electronic device that supports the technology.
“Wireless internet connectivity benefits everyone, from students who meet and collaborate on assignments, to newcomers and job seekers who can connect to valuable information, to emerging entrepreneurs looking for small business solutions,” said City Librarian Jane Pyper. “Offering free wireless service at our branches brings us one step closer to achieving our goal of expanding access to technology for all.”
TPL also announced that it is continuing to broaden it’s online offerings. These include:
- New user-friendly and searchable website coming later in 2010
- Rapidly growing collection of downloadable content such as eBooks, eAudiobooks, eVideos and music titles
- Continued focus on online databases that connect users to current and archived content from a wide variety of newspapers and magazines, as well as research databases such as the complete Shakespeare collection and Oxford English Dictionary
- Reaching out to more people through online communities and popular social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter
- Offering more computer and internet training programs that are hands-on and free