GoDaddy Canada is Turning Oddball Business Ideas Into Websites in Under an Hour

Ever had some 1AM inspiration that seems to be a million-dollar idea, only to end up stalling at that important “actually-execute-the-idea” stage?
Well, GoDaddy Canada has your back, at least for one step of the way. They have been trawling through Twitter to see what kinds of ingenious and slightly-absurd ideas Canadians have, then turning them into websites in under an hour.
The idea is that this process and initiative will show how easy it is for Canadians to not only create a website through GoDaddy, but put their idea into action. The examples already made are often fun little business ideas that started off as a simple tweet but are now so much more.
Try the PoopPal, a hands-free cleaning robot that removes dog poop without stress. “Turns bad boys into good boys with the press of a button,” reads the quickly-built site.
Summertown is an indoor village where it’s always warm and there’s always fun activities to take part in.
Roma Sopa is, of course, handcrafted meatball-scented soap. It is an “aromatic tomato-based scent, complemented by undertones of Nonna’s handmade meatballs. Smell delizioso!”
The sites are all fairly basic without many working implementations (sorry, but no buying meatball soap today), but they illustrate how easy it is to get an idea off the ground and online. Some sites even include mockups of products, history sections, and customer reviews.
These ideas are all entirely fictional and come from a collection of both well-hashed out tweets, as well as one-liners sent without much regard for real-world application. There are a ton of different ideas included on the Sites In Under An Hour homepage, all sourced completely from unsuspecting Twitter entrepreneurs. It’s a fun way to show off silly and great ideas while also promoting GoDaddy’s simplicity.
The promotion of sorts is still ongoing, and those with million-dollar ideas can tweet at GoDaddy Canada using the hashtag #GetItOnline for a chance to see their idea come to life.