Google Acquires Fabric as Twitter Sheds Weight

Google has acquired Fabric, which was Twitter’s mobile app developer platform.
CEO Jack Dorsey says that “developers are an important part of the Twitter ecosystem,” but the move was made with the long play in mind.
“As we embark on 2017, we are focusing on our core products and business to best position Twitter for long-term growth,” Dorsey said online.
He added that developers “developers remain important to Twitter” and that the company still has many available APIs, including its Publisher Platform and Twitter Kit.
Twitter is undoubtedly looking to shed some fiscal weight. Last year the company performed layoffs and lost several key executives as well. Revenue gains have been a struggle too, and slowing user growth hasn’t helped Dorsey’s gameplan. It will be interesting to see of Twitter’s moves are part of a rebound or to make the company more attractive to potential suitors after failing to sell to Salesforce last year.