BC Has Canada’s Highest Percentage of Households with Internet Access, StatsCan Says
BC boasts Canada’s highest percentage of households with home internet access, according to Statistics Canada.
StatsCan’s Canadian Internet Use Survey, published this week, shows that 86.5% of BC households have home internet acess. This is 4% higher than the national average. Alberta is in second with 85.7%. Ontario and Saskatchewan also have above-average usage rates.
Unsurprisingly large cities have much higher rates than small towns: 85% of urban dwellers in Canada have home internet access while just 75% in more rural areas do.
74% of those using the internet access it via a laptop; 62% use a desktop while 27% access the internet via a videogame console.
According to StatsCan, 98% of households with six-figure incomes have internet while only 58% of households with incomes of $30,000 or less have internet.