How to Follow Election Day in Real-Time Through Google and YouTube

Google is making it easy to watch Election Day in the US unfold in real-time.
“Starting when the polls close on Election Day, you will be able to find U.S. election results integrated right into your Google searches in over 30 languages around the world,” the company says. “You’ll also be able to see detailed updates and results of the Presidential, Senatorial, Congressional, Gubernatorial races as well as state-level referenda and ballot propositions.”
Google has been actively prepping people to vote this election and it shows: the company says there has been a 233% increase in traffic for “how to vote” compared with 2012. Viewers also spent over 20 million hours watching the presidential debate streams on YouTube.
“Tomorrow, YouTube will be live streaming election results coverage from more news organizations than ever before,” Google says. “Starting at 7 p.m. ET on Tuesday, November 8, tune in to live coverage from NBC, PBS, MTV, Bloomberg, Telemundo and The Young Turks to keep up with all of the action as it happens. Complex News will also be delivering live coverage during a special election event from YouTube Space NY.”
Oh, and to echo the obvious from Google: “Don’t forget to vote. It matters.”