iQmetrix Offers Exemplary Case Study on Office Culture with Wild Company Retreat
A ping-pong table is no longer an enviable office perk; it’s par for the course, if not simply a nuisance (how do those little balls make so much noise, anyway?).
A real perk, then, is a trip to Hawaii. More than that, a real perk is an extension of a deep, rich office culture; a company retreat that feels more like a vacation and less like a chore.
A great recent example of this hails from Vancouver’s iQmetrix. The company flew more than 300 employees to Oahu for a week of beach-side camping.
The company has taken staff on an all-expense paid trip to a tropical destination nine years in a row. It’s a chance for employees—affectionately called iQers—to come together to celebrate their successes, energize for the year ahead, and meet colleagues from other offices.
“From breathing exercises with Wim Hof, yoga on the beach, painting, surfing and more, we created the agenda so that there was something for everyone,” said Corporate Relations Director, Krystal Ho.
As part of the trip, iQmetrix donated 200 Shiftpod shelters to Red Cross, FEMA, and The Hawaiian Marine Biology University, which it has purchased to set up camp across more than 700 acres on Turtle Bay Resort land.
“All of the Shiftpods, cots, and bedding were donated to FEMA disaster relief, Red Cross and students that we met by chance from the Hawaiian Marine Biology University,” said Ho. “Commissary supplies (cooking utensils) were donated to the local Habitat for Humanity and any remaining food went to the local food bank.”
Interested in working with iQmetrix? Check them out in-person at next week’s Techfest Vancouver.