Mobile Devices Increase Cheating and Cyberbullying at School, Survey Finds

Students are using their mobile devices to cheat at school often, a new survey from security software firm McAfee found.

Nearly half of students have observed a peer using a connected mobile device inside a classroom to cheat on an exam or assignment, while one quarter admit to the act themselves, according to the survey.

And that’s not the only way students are cheating: 23 per cent of the students successfully got around the cyber restrictions put in place by their school to access banned content—primarily social media such as YouTube, Messenger, and Instagram.

Cheating is one problem mobile devices have amplified at school; bullying—specifically of the digital variety—is another. 21 per cent of female teenagers and 14 per cent of female teenagers have been cyber bullied at school—again, largely through social media channels.

Check out the infographic below for more insights from the McAfee survey.
