News in Short: Twitter achieves 20 billion tweets; iPhone’s FaceTime is sexy time in the porn industry

Twenty billionth tweet achieved
It took four years for Twitter to reach its historical record of 10 billion tweets. And everyone thought that was pretty good. Well, it took less than a year to double that.
This trend of explosive, exponential growth made headlines when Twitter reached a staggering 20 billion tweets.
Twitter is known for frequently going down for short periods due to overloading demand. An FYI to the twit-xecutives: it’s only gonna keep growing! (Relatedly, they are hoping to open their first dedicated data centre in the Dtates this year.)
FaceTime’s naughty side brought out by the porn industry
Always surprisingly high-tech and innovative, the porn industry has taken kindly to the Apple iPhone 4’s new feature, the Skype-esque FaceTime. In fact, it seems almost made for it: take a mobile home, offer some high-def video calling, and you’ve got a highly portable service for sluts-on-the-fly. Craigslist ads are already popping up in several cities seeking women willing to get all hot-n-bothered, many including a free iPhone in the deal.
This is uncomfortable for Steve Jobs, whose company prides itself in squeaky clean apps and is avidly against porn content associated with is products. And, as younger and younger teens are getting smartphones, it also has the potential to expose a vulnerable and naive age group to some nasty stuff. Debates have alrady begun stirring on whether or not mobile video calling software need restrictions or regulations.
Other phones, such as HTC’s Evo 4G, also have video calling.