Ottawa Start-up Index – June 2008

The index ranks Ottawa area tech start-ups based on an average of Alexa and Compete traffic rankings. Criteria and other details are available on the Start-up Index page.

If you have any suggestions for companies to add to the index, please post them in the comments for this post.

Rank + /- Name Alexa Compete Average
1 TravelPod 8,111 up 7,384 up 7,748 up
2 Shopify 71,892 up 32,226 up 52,059 up
3 Overlay.TV 238,392 up 305,211 up 271,802 up
4 up 1 Deensoft 206,264 up 367,231 up 286,748 up
5 up 1 LavaBlast Software 557,657 up 434,268 up 495,963 up
6 up 4 Streem 553,629 up 867,952 up 710,791 up
7 up 5 Workspace 1,869,050 up 698,834 up 1,283,942 up
8 N ChoiceBot 2,293,375 705,057 1,499,216
9 up 5 Sumalytics 238,392 up 238,392 up
10 up 3 DevShop Inc. 1,014,240 up 1,014,240 up
11 Mercury Grove 1,186,945 up 1,186,945 up
12 up 3 1,238,997 up 1,238,997 up
13 up 5 LoyaltyMatch 1,288,266 up up 1,288,266 up
14 N bOK 1,644,510 1,644,510
15 N Spending Profile 2,655,279 2,655,279
16 N JumpSocial 5,881,309 5,881,309
17 up 4 RaceDV 6,340,059 up 6,340,059 up
18 up 4 Noleo 6,975,963 up 6,975,963 up
19 N inspire2go 8,899,257 8,899,257
20 up 5 Versature 9,632,540 up 9,632,540 up