Ottawa’s XYZ-RGB launches website that may change the landscape of 3D modelling
XYZ-RGB is a small, privately held firm located in Ottawa. It’s launching a website this week that will to provide high-quality, digital 3D models to anyone in possession of a digital camera. What’s impressive is that these models will be virtually (pun intended) identical to the 3D data files XYZ already provides to Hollywood blockbusters (including The Matrix, the new Resident Evil, Splice, and Lord of the Rings. Wow!)
“I think this will take off like wildfire,” Helmut Kungl, XYZ-RGB’s chief executive, told Postmedia. “You can do online for $200 what we charge $5,000 for today. By making it available to everybody online, the world now has access.”
Demand for 3-D content has never been greater, but until now, the equipment necessary to capture and create 3D models has been far too expensive and technical for the average person to use. XYZ will change that as it prepares to launch its website, XYZ has spent over half a decade developing the site’s technology.