Payfirma Publishes Comprehensive Guide to Payment Processing for Startups
Trying to figure out fees making you want to tear out your hair? Are NFC, EMV, and PCI nothing but alphabet soup to you? Security and fraud concerns keeping you up at night?
Canadian startup Payfirma believes it has a solution. The company’s new ebook, “Payment Processing 101,” is a comprehensive guide to help you understand all things payments.
“Cash and checks are dying payment forms, and the landscape is shifting so that credit, debit, and other alternative forms of payments are taking the stage – don’t get left behind,” Payfirma says.
The book goes through an overview of everything there is to know about payment processing: how it works, the difference channels you can offer, trends, and how to choose an effective processor that’s right for you, according to Payfirma.
“The modern shopping experience has evolved; discover how an omni-channel platform can be deployed across your business to enhance the consumer experience, gain insight, and increase sales,” the company says.
Last year Payfirma was named “FinTech Company of the Year” at the Canadian FinTech Awards, part of the annual Digital Finance Conference in Toronto.