Slack Adds Threaded Messages Feature to Productivity Platform

Slack has added a frequently requested feature to its productivity platform: threaded messages.

“When you’re working with your team in Slack, discussions can move quickly and cover a lot of ground,” the company explains. “Now with Threads, a new way to connect related messages, it’s easier to follow and manage the variety of conversations happening in Slack.”

Say someone posts a message in Slack that you want to follow up on, but the deeper conversation doesn’t apply to everyone. Now, you can kick off a detailed discussion on that particular topic by hovering over the message and clicking Start a thread. The right sidebar in Slack will open, and you can add your reply.

Messages with threaded replies will show thumbnails of discussion participants right in the channel, Slack says, as well as the number of replies posted. Click through to view the threaded conversation in the right sidebar.

“When decisions are made or a message in a thread is worth sharing back with the wider channel, you can post your reply alongside the original message in the channel,” Slack says. “This will highlight the channel in the left sidebar and let members know that there’s a new message.”

To help you keep track of things, all threads live in the new All Threads view, where you can read and reply to these conversations.

“Threads are particularly useful when you want to contain discussions around specific topics in one place,” says Slack.

Slack Threads are rolling out over the next few days.