Startup Work Culture: Toronto’s Trend Hunter leads the way
Earlier this summer we asked you who are Canada’s top Startups from a work culture perspective. Many of you had suggestions and now that the summer is behind us we’re wading through them to highlight the best of the best.
Up first is Toronto’s Trend Hunter.
Trend Hunter is the world’s largest, most popular trend spotting community. It is an explosion of cool trends fueled by a global network of insatiably curious people. By tracking the evolution of cool, Trend Hunters stimulate creativity and generate breakthrough ideas.
Trend Hunter is located in a former horse-carriage factory near Queen and SoHo and according to the Wall Street Journal the office is as hip as its occupants. Which really shouldn’t be a surprise considering it’s their job to spots trends on the bleeding edge.
Trend Hunter’s office culture has been profiled on CNN, and in the National Post, the Globe & Mail and the Toronto Star. And last year Trend Hunter was named on of Canada’s Most Innovative Companies at the Canadian Innovation Exchange.
So what makes Trend Hunter stand out?
Office space – A digitally projected scoreboard on the wall gamifies and motivates the editorial team’s performance and keeps everyone focused on the goal.
Team building – Weekly employee highlights are shared at Friday beer’o’clock meetings where each team member talks about their professional triumphs and new ideas while trying out a new different beer each week.
Internships – Trend Hunter claims to offer the most journalism internships in Canada. And by joining the Trend Hunter Academy, interns will graduate with 1,000+ published articles, 2,000,000+ views of exposure, and a certificate of Digital Journalism and Social Media from Trend Hunter.
Check out this video produced by ChrisFyvie of Colliers Canada and Crucial Films to get a better idea of Trend Hunter’s startup culture.