Ending Years-Long Feud, Target Plans to Start Selling Amazon Gadgets Again

In 2012, Target stopped carrying Amazon gadgets, such as the Kindle Fire, in stores and online. At the time, analysts thought it was a smart move—why stock a competitor’s goods, especially when the Fire encourages customers to shop on Amazon, which sells virtually everything that Target does (and a lot it doesn’t).
But times have changed. For one, Target has a new CEO, Brian Cornell. For another, Target has sucked in the electronics department.
Now the US retail chain is returning Amazon tablets and e-readers to both its website and, soon, its brick and mortar locations as well—around October, the company believes.
“Target continually evaluates our assortment to deliver quality products at a great value,” the company said in a statement. “We know our guests love the many aspects of shopping at Target, and believe they will appreciate the convenience and savings of finding these items in our stores and on Target.com.”
Not that Amazon seems to need Target. The company crushed its last financial quarter.