Telus Launches iPhone Today – Rogers Exclusivity Broken In Canada
Telus has debuted the iPhone today. Drumrolls..
Apple initially launched the iPhone in Canada exclusively with Rogers as it was the only GSM network in the country. Bell and Telus, however, had together been building up their next generation HSPA network (which could support the iPhone) so it was only a matter of time before they broke through the ranks and contract negotations with Apple to offer the iPhone to Canadians.
Given that its still not happened in the US, where AT&T is still the exclusive carrier – goes to show that Rogers simply got outmaneuvered by Bell and Telus. Rogers’ exclusive lock on the iPhone is Canada has been broken, and consumers now have more choice – even though the pricing has been kept the same (iPhone 3GS 16GB available for $199 on a 3 yr contract from Telus as well), the choice of the carrier and customer service, etc is now available. For a slightly more technical understanding of the move towards next generation wireless networks, check out this article by