Toronto’s SiteScout Acquired by Centro for $40 Million
Chicago-based, Centro, a provider of digital media software and services, today acquired SiteScout, a self-serve, real-time bidding platform.
SiteScout in August was named to the top of the Techvibes 100. The startup, which has 33 employees, has seen rapid adoption, growing to more than 4,000 customers in the first three years.
“The ad tech industry is filled with disparate point solutions that create complexity for marketers and agencies. SiteScout shares our vision in delivering self-serve technology that puts power and control in the marketers’ hands,” said Shawn Riegsecker, CEO of Centro.
“Together we’ll deliver a unified stack across all media, including guaranteed and biddable, that leverages predictive data and analytics to power any campaign objective,” he added.
The deal gives Centro a key component for delivering a unified digital advertising platform that accesses guaranteed and biddable inventory across all channels.
“SiteScout was founded on the premise of making programmatic ad buying accessible to marketers. Centro is a perfect complement as it helps us reach more marketers and agencies instantly,” says Paul Mokbel, SiteScout’s CEO and founder, who will be joining Centro’s executive team.
“We benefit from Centro’s strong leadership, dedicated service culture and huge U.S. sales team. With our superior technology and Centro’s scale, we have the potential to become one of the largest RTB companies in the industry,” he added.