Toronto’s XtremeLabs develops Help for Haiti App
Ever since the human tragedy in Haiti occured last week, people, companies, and organizations have come together to lend a helping hand. Or app…
According to, Toronto App Developer XtremeLabs has partnered with MTV and Crackberry to develop a Help Haiti app.
In the wake of the tragic earthquake and aftershocks in Haiti, the great folks at XtremeLabs in partnership with and MTV have put together the Help Haiti app for BlackBerry Smartphones. The Help Haiti app makes it easy to donate to charities in both the USA and Canada that are working hard to help in Haiti’s relief and recovery.
We spoke with Xtreme Labs Vice-President, Farhan Thawar. He explained that the aim of the application is three-fold:
- Raise awareness and provide information to users through the various social networking tools (Twitter, Flickr, Google News)
- Use the reach of the mobile platform to raise funds for the organizations doing work to help support and rebuild after the events in Haiti. The application provides a one stop donation platform to all the SMS shortcodes in North America to the various relief organizations
- Promote the MTV fund raising effort (MTV telethon airing Saturday)
Xtreme Labs created this application to support the relief efforts and after noticing a need for consumers to be well informed of the various charities and organization supporting relief efforts.
Charities both in Canada and the US will receive the donations. In Canada, through a partnership with Rogers, funds will be dispersed to the Salvation Army, Plan Canada, and World Vision Canada. In the States, there are a dozen charities involved including Habitat for Humanity, Clinton Foundation Haiti Relief Fund and Oxfam America.