Tubetastic chooses ThoughtFarmer
I received a mysterious package in the mail today from a company in Victoria, BC called Tubetastic Inc.. Never heard of them – so I was instantly curious. I cracked open the padded envelope to find an employment welcome letter, an organization chart, and a name-tag with my picture and title (CFO) on it. Very strange.
I quickly scanned the org chart and found my name circled as part of the executive team – nice. Then I started noticing fellow bloggers on the chart – David Crow (Junior Tube Publisher), Boris Mann (Tube Engineer), Robert Scoble (Tubular Receptionist), Jevon MacDonald (Manager, Tube Deliverables), Tris Hussey (Tube Blogger), the list goes on.
The welcome letter was signed off by well-known Vancouver blogger/marketer Darren Barefoot of Capulet Communications (in his new HR role at Tubetastic Inc.) but I was still stumped about what it was all about. Who had hired him? Luckily, Darren was kind enough to include my user-name & password for my new employer’s Intranet. As soon as I logged on, I clued in.
Through some extremely creative outreach marketing, local Intranet developer ThoughtFarmer got me to check out and play around with their demo site. Nice work Guys!