Twitalyzer 2.0 takes analyzing Twitter – and over analyzing yourself – to a whole new level

You may remember Twitalyzer from the bit of hubbub it caused last year, when the tool was used to select the top 100 Twitter users in Portland.
Well, it turns out that Portland—the town that very well may have more Twitter users per capita than any other—has managed to keep pushing the Portland-based Twitalyzer team to make their analysis of Twitter user behavior better and better. (Probably because of all the folks who felt they deserved a free beer at Beer and Blog.)
And now, they’ve released the latest fruits of that effort with the launch of Twitalyzer 2.0.
Now, I was impressed with the first version of Twitalyzer. But I have to admit that the latest rendition blows the doors off of its prior iteration. Twitalyzer 2.0 offers a variety of enhancements, from Google Analytics integration to the ability to tag, group, and filter any number of ways.
But—especially for the egosurfing crowd—everything pales in comparison to the expanded metrics set—which now tracks 15 different data points. Vivisection? A staggering understatement. Twitalyzer now has rankings for Clout, Engagement, Followers, Following, Generosity, Hashtags Cited, Impact, Influence, Lists, Referenced, Referencing, Retweeted, Retweeting, Updates, and Velocity.
But why? Good question. Here’s the answer.
Our goal for Twitalyzer is very simple: We want Twitalyzer to be the de facto measurement solution for short-messaging media (of which Twitter is the dominant platform, hence our name.) We want businesses and business-minded Twitter users around the world to spend ten minutes a day tracking their efforts, researching opportunities, and using Twitalyzer to inform their evolving approach towards this new and exciting platform.
And why would you want to analyze Twitter use? Well, I’m glad you asked. Because the Twitalyzer types have put together a 50-page manual (PDF) to help you understand exactly that.
Fact of the matter is, if you’re looking at Twitter as more than a passing fancy, you owe it to yourself to be a little introspective. And to allow Twitalyzer to give you an all-too-in-depth look at how you’re using Twitter. I’m sure you’ll be both surprised—and likely a little offended—by what it uncovers.
For more information or to run analysis on your tweet stream, visit Twitalyzer.
(Hat tip The Next Web)